MC 大減價又來了
MultiCharts 7 is not just another release. Experience the difference. Trading directly from the charts and DOM has been added, along with a host of significant improvements and new features. Now all tools for discretionary and system traders are unified in one platform. It is time to celebrate the release of MultiCharts 7!Special terms are available now.Join the celebration.
1. Single Lifetime License may be purchased for just $1197 USD.
Take advantage of this offer now! Pay instantly through an online payment link
MultiCharts - Lifetime License - Release 7.0 Special Offer - $1197
2. Package of Two Lifetime Licenses is available for only $1997 USD.
Take advantage of this offer now! Pay instantly through an online payment link
MultiCharts – Two Lifetime Licenses - Release 7.0 Special Offer (Two Licenses Bundle) - $1997
3. Special Trade-Up offer for lifetime license holders of NinjaTrader and NeoTicker - show us proof of your NinjaTrader or NeoTicker license ownership and you may purchase a single MultiCharts Lifetime License for only $997 USD or two for $1497 USD.
*Limited-time offer. Licenses must be purchased by midnight August 15, 2011 for this pricing to apply. Offer only valid for lifetime licenses purchased between July 15 and August 15, 2011. 可是不知道資料源有哪幾家供應
月租費用多少呢 可是不知道資料源有哪幾家供應
kimogi 發表於 11-7-21 09:28 AM
要再簡單一點就是 接DDE 去年聖誕優惠有與朋友合購.. 當時也是2 lifetime license US$1,497 感覺很優惠
但.. 這是英文版的license.. 不能與中文版共用.. 因為認證主機不同..
不過用起來其實無差.. 除非對英文非常排斥那就另當別論了..
資訊源最近 Touchance 有優惠到9/30 年繳打6折.. {:4_89:} 好高深的英文 哈哈哈{:4_186:} 群益中文版MC優惠到七月底止
有十年歷史資料 加上隨時資料回捕
幫我營業員推一下: 電話 02-27010563 ...
傻霞8 發表於 11-7-21 03:31 PM
是喔~ 真怪~上次群益營業員還跟我說優惠早就沒了 (優惠一季2000).
請問你說的優惠是什麼? 回復 7# 0204
這原廠是英文版的原價 $1497
MultiCharts - Lifetime License - Release 7.0 Special Offer - $1197
Package of Two Lifetime Licenses is available for only $1997 USD. 語言對很多人都是一大問題的 回復 7# 0204
繳18000元,用19個月(含資訊,是群益的){:4_110:} 好像到原廠英文版按下購買都會跑到台灣的中文版...不知道大大如何購買