sony 發表於 11-7-22 11:49


想請問一下各位大大~ 程式這樣~他為什麼 在0850就會有動作~
感覺他沒有引用到value3 可以幫我看一下嗎?~謝謝大大的指導

if Date <> date then dbar = 0;
dbar=dbar +1;


value3= pivothighvs(1,high,5,5,value2);

ifmarketposition = 0 and time>=0845 and time <=1315   then begin
ifhigh > value3then
buy next bar at value3 stop;

sunny 發表於 11-7-22 13:36

time>=0845 and time <=1315

0850 有沒有 大於 0845 ?您說呢 .

hhy 發表於 11-7-23 05:31

PivotHighVS (Function)
Returns (Double)

A numeric value containing the price of the high pivot bar, with variable strength sides. A value of -1 is returned if there is no high pivot, within the length specified...
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