台指期全時段交易回測篇 [1]
// Public Variable
vars:MP(0),PF(0),PL(0),DayLast(1345),NightLast(0500),BuyPrice(0),ShortPrice(0),BasePF(150),BasePL(100) ;
vars:BarPass(5),HLRange(0),WinPoint(0),HBarPos(0),LBarPos(0),ExitH(0),ExitL(0),TimeOK(false) ;
vars:EntNum01(2.0),EntNum02(0.0),ExtNum01(31.0),ExtNum02(50.0),LenA1(20.0),LenB1(20.0),FracA(2.50),FracB(2.50),HBar(20.0),LBar(20.0),TradeProfit(0.020),TradeStopLoss(0.020),NBarL(20.0),NBarS(20.0),LenA2(20.0),LenB2(20.0),RatioL(2.50),RatioS(2.50),HighBand(20.0),LowBand(20.0),BuyMode(41.0),ShortMode(21.0),LE01(4.0),SE01(12.0) ;
//****************** Basic Setup ****************************************
MP = MarketPosition ;
if MP <> 0 then Begin
PF = EntryPrice*TradeProfit ;
PL = EntryPrice*TradeStopLoss ;
end else begin
PF = AvgPrice*TradeProfit ;
PL = AvgPrice*TradeStopLoss ;
end ;
// 依據目前指數來設定最大停利與停損點數
if Close > 10000 then begin
BasePF = BasePF+IntPortion((Close-10000)/1000)*30 ;
BasePF = MinList(BasePF,450) ;
BasePL = BasePL+IntPortion((Close-10000)/1000)*15 ;
BasePL = MinList(BasePL,225) ;
end ;
PF = MinList(PF,BasePF) ;
PL = MinList(PL,BasePL)*iff(CurrentContracts=1,1,0.67) ;
// ************3 Week High or Low *****************
vars:WeekH(High),WeekL(Low),WeekHL(0),WeekHPB(0),WeekLPB(0),Week33(0),Week67(0) ;
WeekH = MaxList(HighW(0),HighW(1),HighW(2)) ;
WeekL = MinList(LowW(0),LowW(1),LowW(2)) ;
WeekHL = WeekH - WeekL ;
Week33 = WeekL+WeekHL*0.33 ;
Week67 = WeekL+WeekHL*0.67 ;
WeekHPB = _BarsLast(High = WeekH) ;
WeekLPB = _BarsLast(Low = WeekL) ;
if DataCompression > 1 then begin
Condition1 = Close > Open and Open > Close ;
Condition2 = Close < Open and Open < Close ;
end else begin
Condition1 = Close > OpenD(0) and OpenD(0) > CloseD(1) ;
Condition2 = Close < OpenD(0) and OpenD(0) < CloseD(1) ;
// ************* Time Set Up *************
if LE01 = 4 then TimeOK = ((time >= 0900 and time <= 1200) or (time >= 2130) or time <= 0300) ;
// ********** Entry Method
Vars:OpenA(0),CloseA(0),OpenB(0),CloseB(0),NewClose(0),AVGTyp(0),AVGClose(0),LineCorss(-1),AvgMaxClose(0) ;
if CurrentBar > 1 then
OpenA = (( Open + High + Low + Close)/4 + OpenA)/2
else OpenA = Open ;
CloseA = ((Open + High + Low + Close)/4 + OpenA + MaxList(High,OpenA) + Minlist(Low,OpenA ))/4 ;
CloseB = (Close + Open + High + Low )/4 ;
if CurrentBar > 1 then OpenB = (OpenB+CloseB)/2 else OpenB = Open ;
NewClose = (CloseA+CloseB)/2 ;
{ calculate averages of Typical Price and NewClose }
AVGTyp = XAverage( TypicalPrice,LenA1) ;
AVGClose = XAverage( NewClose, LenB1 ) ;
if AVGTyp < AVGClose and Close > Open then LineCorss = 1
else if AVGTyp > AVGClose and Close < Open then LineCorss = 0 ;
// 進場改用前週高低點做濾網
if EntNum01 = 2 or EntNum02 = 2 then begin
if TimeOK then begin
if MP <> 1 and Close > HighW(1) and LineCorss = 1 and LineCorss = 0
then Buy ( "MQS01_L1T" ) next bar at market ;
if MP <> -1 and Close < LowW(1) and LineCorss = 0 and LineCorss = 1
then SellShort ( "MQS01_S1T" ) next bar at market ;
end ;
end ;
// ************* Base Exit *************
if MP <> 0 and BarsSinceEntry >= 1 then begin
if MP > 0 then Sell ("PL1_"+NumtoStr(PL,0)) next bar at EntryPrice-PL stop ;
if MP > 0 then Sell ("PF1_"+NumtoStr(PF,0)) next bar at EntryPrice+PF limit ;
if MP < 0 then BuytoCover ("PL2_"+NumtoStr(PL,0)) next bar at EntryPrice+PL stop ;
if MP < 0 then BuytoCover ("PF2_"+NumtoStr(PF,0)) next bar at EntryPrice-PF limit ;
end ;
if SE01 = 12 then begin
if MP < 0 and (BarsSinceEntry <= 300/Barinterval and maxpositionloss/currentcontracts < -20000)
then buy ("WrongEntryS8") next bar at Close stop ;
end ;
// ************* no more high or low *************
if ExtNum01 = 31 or ExtNum02 = 31 then begin
// 近六根高低點區間大於100且多單連續破低 則平倉出場
if MP > 0 and countif(Low < Low,6) >= 6 and Highest(High,6)-Lowest(Low,6) > 100 then
Sell ("LX_6Low") next bar at Lowest(Low,LBar) stop;
// 近六根高低點區間大於100且空單連續過高 則平倉出場
if MP < 0 and countif(High > High,6) >= 6 and Highest(High,6)-Lowest(Low,6) > 100 then
BuytoCover ("SX_6High") next bar at Highest(High,HBar) stop;
end ;
// ************* Rev H/L PullBack turn *************
if ExtNum01 = 50 or ExtNum02 = 50 then begin
//近三週高點拉回 且破近三週低點 反手做空
if MP > 0 and WeekHPB < LenA1 and Close > WeekL then
SellShort ("rLX_WeekHPB") next bar at WeekL-Range stop;
//近三週低點反彈 且過近三週高點 反手做多
if MP < 0 and WeekLPB < LenB1 and Close < WeekH then
Buy ("rSX_WeekLPB") next bar at WeekH+Range stop;
end ;
if _IsSettlementDay and time >= CalcTime(1300,-1*BarInterVal) and Time <= 1330 then begin
if MP > 0 then Sell ("LX_Bal") next bar at market ;
if MP < 0 then BuyToCover ("SX_Bal") next bar at market ;
大大一生平安 感謝分享 感謝分享,研究看看 感謝大大
請問大大這邏輯是? 感謝分享,研究看看 感謝大大分享 感謝大大分享,躍躍欲試研究 太感謝了研究看看!!!感恩~~