Giordana 發表於 12-10-19 02:02

GOOGLE 閃跌 10%

本帖最後由 Giordana 於 12-10-19 02:05 編輯

GOOGLE 在 NASDAQ 閃跌10%, 並被 NASDAQ 暫停交易.

Oops! Google Trading Halted On Early--And Disappointing--Q3 Earnings
Google‘s share plunged this morning by 9% after the search giant’s third-quarter earnings came in considerably lower than expected. The results were accidentally released hours earlier than expected, leading to a halt in the shares’ trading for a time.

virgil 發表於 12-10-19 03:23

嗯..阿是發生什麼事情了..? 錯帳還是重大利空? 多謝樓主分享資訊..

仔仔 發表於 12-10-19 04:10谷歌盤中提前發佈q3財報-獲利遜於去年與預期-185922275--finance.html

TrendRover 發表於 12-10-19 04:30

IBM也跌5%,這縱雞瘟現象在預告什麼? 頭到了嗎?

TrendRover 發表於 12-10-19 04:40


TrendRover 發表於 12-10-19 04:41

如果大家作息相同,可以交換skype 組成夜間觀察團!!

閒人英郎 發表於 12-10-19 06:51

本帖最後由 閒人英郎 於 12-10-19 07:03 編輯

yahoo 奇摩股市

c=695/-60.49   h=759.42l=676   last close=755.49

新闻( the nytimes)
Shares Fall Sharply as Google Earnings Are Released Early

oneman001 發表於 12-10-19 06:58


ajyh 發表於 12-10-19 07:18


nomad 發表於 12-10-19 07:42

Google filing error shocks investors, exposes process

Milton 發表於 12-10-19 08:01


Oliver 發表於 12-10-19 08:23

Giordana"真股力", 這麼晚還在關心國際股市. {:4_209:}
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