看到外國Code內有以下函數,請問有人知道TA這是內建函數還是外掛??感謝.{:4_82:}TA_ChartDisplayTheme (ChartDisplayTheme); TA_ShowSupportResistance (Param_HowManyRS)TA_TradingSystemCheckEntry (A,B,CC,D,E,firstBarEntryExit); TA_ShowCustomizedVAP (Param_Segment,Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide,Param_VAPStyle,Param_VAPOverlay);
我找UsersGuide560.pdf沒有,應該是外掛吧@@ 本帖最後由 joshsmi 於 13-1-18 19:48 編輯
They are either functions of a 3rd party plug-in or functions of an include file. So as long as you don't know the author of the functions they are useless because they are not part of AmiBroker. joshsmi 發表於 13-1-18 19:47 static/image/common/back.gif
They are either functions of a 3rd party plug-in or functions of an include file. So as long as you...
3Q so much your help{:4_662:}