keithlsp 發表於 13-1-27 00:35

關於amibroker 自動盤的問題

各位大大好, 我想請問關於 ambroker 的自動下盤方法, 或流程, 因為我對這方面是完全不認識的, 請大家多多指教, 謝謝各位!!
1. Amibroker AFL 的程序 觸發 買入/賣出訊號
2. 訊號傳送到 Text File (不知是不是這樣)
3. 某軟件API 讀入Text File 資料, 並在SPTrader 下單, 買入或賣出 (不知是不是這樣)

kilroy 發表於 13-1-27 10:22

AFL 裡寫輸出的語法 buy/short
寫成一個 txt 檔 ex. 倉位為多單 1 空單為 -1
某軟件重複讀取這個 txt 檔
當 1變-1 或 -1變1 時,透過券商下單API去下單

這就是流程了 XD

keithlsp 發表於 13-1-27 10:35

多謝大大的分享, 我現在研究amibroker是不是一個好用的Auto Trade 平台, 我爬文後發現有多個選擇:
1. OpenQuant
2. MT4
3. Amibroker

如果amibroker用讀取text file方法, 我怕有延遲現象

andy03 發表於 13-1-27 20:18

極短線就用有資訊源 直接下單的軟体吧


joshsmi 發表於 13-1-28 04:45

If you autotrade with AB to Interactive Brokers there is not text file needed at all.

In regards to MC .. MC can not trade portfolios. Amibroker allows portfolio trading.So one more reason why MC is (overpriced) junk.

joshsmi 發表於 13-1-28 04:49

Of course it's possible to send order's from Amibroker to e.g. Metatrader by file.
I have done that for an Amibroker chart-trading trading plugin and delays are no issue. The orders immediately arrive at Metatrader.

keithlsp 發表於 13-1-28 11:46

啊......謝謝大家意見, 那即是我可以專注用amibroker就可以

kilroy 發表於 13-1-28 12:25

joshsmi 發表於 13-1-28 04:45 static/image/common/back.gif
If you autotrade with AB to Interactive Brokers there is not text file needed at all.

In regards to ...
hey bro.
would you mind showing some examples~ {:5_266:}

it'll be good XDthx~~

moneymaker 發表於 13-1-28 20:46

kilroy 發表於 13-1-28 12:25 static/image/common/back.gif
hey bro.
would you mind showing some examples~


moneymaker 發表於 13-1-28 20:48

因為我沒有IB帳號 還請K大測試後分享給大家 {:4_209:}

kilroy 發表於 13-1-29 00:39

moneymaker 發表於 13-1-28 20:48 static/image/common/back.gif
因為我沒有IB帳號 還請K大測試後分享給大家

小弟知道這個 XD


安裝好 IB 的 TWS 之後

用 edemo 登入
再用 IB controller 來玩玩看嚕~

IB controller 的完整說明

keithlsp 發表於 13-1-29 17:20

我有IB demo account, 等我試後告訴你們結果!! 謝謝各位大大!!

joshsmi 發表於 13-2-19 19:36

Here is a visual example of a chart trading plug-in to trade stocks, futures, forex with Interactive Brokers, Metatrader 4, ...

Part 1 Buttons
Part 2 Settings
Part 3 Sending orders

So discretionary trading to any API is possible also.
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