zkuo2002 發表於 13-5-17 00:16

在sierra chart 找不到最原始的kd指標,有人可以幫忙嗎

Sierra chart只有slow KD 跟 fast KD指標, 我真的用的超不習慣,好難用啊

Sierra chat是C++語法,我真的實在不知道怎麼把EASY LANGUAGE的kd語法弄成可以在sierra chart用嗎

有人可以幫忙嗎? 真的非常感謝

RSV = ((close - lowest(low,n)) / (highest(high,n) - lowest(low,n))) * 100;
K_line = (2/3) * K_line + (1/3) * RSV ;
D_line = (2/3) * D_line + (1/3) * K_line ;

if D_line > up and K_line cross under D_line then
exitlong next bar at market;
if D_line < down and K_line cross over D_line then
buy next bar at market;

if D_line > up and K_line cross under D_line then
sell next bar at market;
if D_line < down and K_line cross over D_line then
exitshort next bar at market;

Ray-Ray 發表於 13-5-17 15:16

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查看完整版本: 在sierra chart 找不到最原始的kd指標,有人可以幫忙嗎