本帖最後由 left75 於 10-3-7 09:49 PM 編輯不知道大家有沒有用過
希望有大大可以教學。 看起來是外掛在AmiBroker的軟體,但是它的功能是什麼,看不出來。
有人知道嗎? 回復 3# blue
漂亮喲!請問要付費嗎? 回復 3# blue
Blue大研究過GMMA ,用的如何?
metastock10的 RMO indicator 用過嗎? 那是metastock 的號招點 !! 我用過SAFIR 的demo function .程式好了再用SAFIR 優化 有人試過嗎?
但一定得和TRADESTATITION一起RUN喔!說比 NuroSHELL good ,who knows.(blackbox only)
blackbox 如果可多搾 一些,撥一account 給他TRY個一年 !!
我是amazing 來形容!SAFIR supportforward tersting by half datas . 回復 8# blue
這一程式是rainbow的樣子 .
有朋友買metastock10 EOD 不好意思跟他借來run 看看 多強 .
(RMO 號稱是亞洲1997風暴的要角 ) 推推!看起來好華麗,好複雜。 先來試試看{:4_627:} //|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//|PatternExplorer.com - Rainbow Chart
//|Copyright © 2007, PatternExplorer.com
//|e-mail: support@PatternExplorer.com
FormulaName = "PE - Rainbow Chart";
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates | chartShowArrows | chartLogarithmic | chartWrapTitle );
#pragma nocache
#include_once "C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Formulas\PatternExplorer\#Defaults & Mods\PE - Defaults.afl"
#include_once "C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Formulas\PatternExplorer\#Defaults & Mods\PE - Mods.afl"
AddAlertParam( def_AudioAlert, def_EmailAlert, def_BarComplete );
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Main Parameters" );
side = 1;
AddAvgTypeParam( 1 );
//if(InChart) StaticVarSet("B4G8C8",AvgType);if(inAA AND Usefromchart) AvgType = StaticVarGet("B4G8C8");
PF = ParamField( "Price Field" );
//PF parameter from chart not available automatically in AA. It has to be selected in AA if not close is used.
increment = Param( "Increment", 2, 1, 10, 1 );
//if(InChart) StaticVarSet("F6P4C8",increment);if(inAA AND Usefromchart) increment = StaticVarGet("F6P4C8");
StartAvg = Param( "Fastest Average (Period)", 3, 1, 20, 1 );
//if(InChart) StaticVarSet("W6O4D1",StartAvg);if(inAA AND Usefromchart) StartAvg = StaticVarGet("W6O4D1");
LastAvg = Param( "Slowest Average (Max.Period)", 20, 1, 100, 1 );
//if(InChart) StaticVarSet("G4C0A6",LastAvg);if(inAA AND Usefromchart) LastAvg = StaticVarGet("G4C0A6");
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Styles" );
Effect = ParamToggle( "3D Effect", "No|Yes", 0 );
DisplayType = ParamToggle( "Plot Style", "Lines,Shadows", def_LinesORShadows );
LineStyle = ParamStyle( "Lines", styleThick, maskDefault );
Shapes = ParamToggle( "Plot Shapes", "Off,On", 1 );
Buyshape = Param( "Buy Shape Typ", def_BuyShape, 0, 50, 1 );
SellShape = Param( "Sell Shape Typ", def_SellShape, 0, 50, 1 );
Count = 0;
for ( i = StartAvg; i < LastAvg; i = i + increment )
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Colors" );
Hue = Param( "Hue", 15, 1, 50, 1 ) * i;
Saturation = Param( "Saturation", 150, 0, 255 );
Brightness = side * Param( "Brightness", 200, 0, 255 );
Buyshapecolor = ParamColor( "Buy Shape Color", def_BuyShapeColor );
Sellshapecolor = ParamColor( "Sell Shape Color", def_SellShapeColor );
up = Average( Pf, i, AvgType );
down = Average( Pf, i + increment, AvgType );
if ( Effect )
side = IIf( up <= down AND Ref( up <= down, 1 ), 0.6, 1 );
a = 0;
Count = Count + 1;
if ( DisplayType )
PlotOHLC( up, up, down, down, "Average" + i, ColorHSB( Hue, Saturation, Brightness ), styleCloud | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle );
Plot( up, "Average" + i, ColorHSB( Hue, Saturation, Brightness ), LineStyle | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle );
Fastest = Average( Pf, StartAvg, AvgType );
SlowestPds = StartAVG + ( Count - 1 ) * Increment;
Slowest = Average( Pf, SlowestPds, AvgType );
Buy = def_Buy AND Cross( fastest, slowest );
Sell = def_Sell AND Cross( slowest, fastest );
BodySize = 0.1;
HeikinAshiDoji = abs((HaClose-HaOpen))<(HaHigh-HaLow)/(1/BodySize);
Buy = def_Buy AND Close < slowest AND HaClose>HaOpen AND Ref(HeikinAshiDoji,-1);//Heikin ashi doji outside from Rainbow
Sell = def_Sell AND Close > slowest AND HaClose<HaOpen AND Ref(HeikinAshiDoji,-1);//Heikin ashi doji outside from Rainbow
//Buy = def_Buy AND (Buy OR Cross(fastest,slowest));//Rainbow signal and HA doji
//Sell = def_Sell AND (Sell OR Cross(slowest,fastest));//Rainbow signal and HA doji
PlotShapes( Buy*Buyshape*Shapes, Buyshapecolor, 0, L, -def_BuyShapeOffset - 5 );
PlotShapes( Sell*Sellshape*Shapes, Sellshapecolor, 0, H, -def_SellShapeOffset - 5 );
AddAlert( Buy, Audio, Email, "Fastest Average crossed slowest Average", 1, BarComplete, def_BuySound1 );
AddAlert( Sell, Audio, Email, "Slowest Average crossed Fastest Average", 2, BarComplete, def_SellSound1 );
Filter = def_Filter AND NOT GroupID() == 253;
Filter = Filter AND ( Buy OR Sell );
Adddefaultcolumns( 2, 1 );
AddTextColumn( FullName(), "Full name" );
ToolTip = def_ToolTip;
Title = "PatternExplorer.com - Rainbow Chart " + Avgtext;
Title = Title + default_priceTitle + " "; PatternExplorer.com - Fibonacci Recognition
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
if( ParamToggle("Tooltip shows", "All Values|Only Prices" ) )
ToolTip=StrFormat("Open: %g\nHigh:%g\nLow: %g\nClose:%g (%.1f%%)\nVolume: "+NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )));
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 200, 1 );
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") | styleNoRescale );
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 45, 2, 300, 1 );
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") | styleNoRescale );
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 100, 2, 400, 1 );
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") | styleNoRescale );
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey );
Style = ParamStyle("Style") | styleNoRescale | styleNoRescale;
Plot( BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style );
Plot( BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style );
Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorLavender ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram), 2 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Price Interpretation");
movshort = ParamField("Short Time MA", 8 );
movmed = ParamField("Mid Time MA", 9 );
movlong = ParamField("Long Time MA", 10 );
btop = ParamField("BBTop", 11 );
bbot = ParamField("BBBottom", 12 );
if( Status("action") == actionCommentary )
width = btop - bbot;
lslop = LinRegSlope( C, 30 ) + 100;
lslo = LLV( lslop, 90 );
lshi = HHV( lslop, 90 );
lswidth = lshi - lslo;
trend = 100*( lslop - lslo )/lswidth;
mawidth = MA( width, 100 );
relwidth = 100*(width - mawidth)/mawidth;
_N( tname = Name()+"("+FullName()+")" );
printf("Price and moving averages:\n");
printf( tname + " has closed " + WriteIf( C > movshort, "above" , "below" ) + " its Short time moving average. ");
printf("\nShort time moving average is currently " + WriteIf( movshort > movmed, "above", "below") + " mid-time, AND " + WriteIf( movshort > movlong, "above", "below" ) + " long time moving averages.");
printf("\nThe relationship between price and moving averages is: "+
WriteIf( C > movshort AND movshort > movmed, "bullish",
WriteIf( C < movshort AND movshort < movmed, "bearish", "neutral" ) ) + " in short-term, and "+
WriteIf( movshort > movmed AND movmed > movlong , "bullish",
WriteIf( movshort < movmed AND movmed < movlong, "bearish", "neutral" ) ) + " in mid-long term. ");
printf("\n\nBollinger Bands:\n");
printf(tname+ " has closed " +
WriteIf( C < bbot, "below the lower band by " +
WriteVal( 100 *( bbot-C )/ width, 1.1 ) + "%%. " +
WriteIf( trend < 30, " This combined with the steep downtrend can suggest that the downward trend in prices has a good chance of continuing.However, a short-term pull-back inside the bands is likely.",
WriteIf( trend > 30 AND trend < 70, "Although prices have broken the lower band and a downside breakout is possible, the most likely scenario for "+tname+" is to continue within current trading range.", "" ) ), "" ) +
WriteIf( C > btop, "above the upper band by " +
WriteVal( 100 *( C- btop )/ width, 1.1 ) + "%%. " +
WriteIf( trend > 70, " This combined with the steep uptrend suggests that the upward trend in prices has a good chance of continuing.However, a short-term pull-back inside the bands is likely.",
WriteIf( trend > 30 AND trend < 70, "Although prices have broken the upper band and a upside breakout is possible, the most likely scenario for "+tname+" is to continue within current trading range.", "" ) ), "" ) +
WriteIf( C < btop AND ( ( btop - C ) / width ) < 0.5,
"below upper band by " +
WriteVal( 100 *( btop - C )/ width, 1.1 ) + "%%. ",
WriteIf( C < btop AND C > bbot , "above bottom band by " +
WriteVal( 100 *( C - bbot )/ width, 1.1 ) + "%%. ", "" ) ));
WriteIf( ( trend > 30 AND trend < 70 AND ( C > btop OR C < bbot ) ) AND abs(relwidth) > 40,
"This picture becomes somewhat unclear due to the fact that Bollinger Bands arecurrently",
"Bollinger Bands are " )+
WriteVal( abs( relwidth ), 1.1 ) + "%% " +
WriteIf( relwidth > 0, "wider" , "narrower" ) +
" than normal.");
WriteIf( abs( relwidth ) < 40, "The current width of the bands (alone) does not suggest anything conclusive about the future volatility or movement of prices.","")+
WriteIf( relwidth < -40, "The narrow width of the bands suggests low volatility as compared to " + tname + "'s normal range.Therefore, the probability of volatility increasing with a sharp price move has increased for the near-term. "+
"The bands have been in this narrow range for " + WriteVal(BarsSince(Cross(-40,relwidth)),1.0) + " bars. The probability of a significant price move increases the longer the bands remain in this narrow range." ,"")+
WriteIf( relwidth > 40, "The large width of the bands suggest high volatility as compared to " + tname + "'s normal range.Therefore, the probability of volatility decreasing and prices entering (or remaining in) a trading range has increased for the near-term. "+
"The bands have been in this wide range for" + WriteVal(BarsSince(Cross(relwidth,40)),1.0) + " bars.The probability of prices consolidating into a less volatile trading range increases the longer the bands remain in this wide range." ,""));
printf("\n\nThis commentary is not a recommendation to buy or sell. Use at your own risk.");
//|PatternExplorer.com - Fibonacci Recognition
//|Copyright c 2007, PatternExplorer.com
//|e-mail: support@PatternExplorer.com
FormulaName = "PE - Fibonacci Recognition";
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates | chartShowArrows | chartLogarithmic | chartWrapTitle );
#pragma nocache
#include_once "C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Formulas\PatternExplorer\#Defaults & Mods\PE - Defaults.afl"
#include_once "C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Formulas\PatternExplorer\#Defaults & Mods\PE - Mods.afl"
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Main Parameters" );
AddparamUsefromChart( def_UseFromChart );
Sensitivity = Param( "Sensitivity", 10, 0, 100, 1 );
if ( InChart )
StaticVarSet( "P0O3U2", Sensitivity );
if ( inAA AND Usefromchart )
Sensitivity = StaticVarGet( "P0O3U2" );
Colorstyle = ParamToggle( "Color Mode", "S/R|Custom", 1 );
Color_SL =ParamColor( "Support (S/R Mode)", def_Color_SL );
Color_RL =ParamColor( "Resistance (S/R Mode)", def_Color_RL );
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Levels" );
Level_1p = Param( "Level 1", 38.2, 0, 200, 1 );
Level_2p = Param( "Level 2", 50.0, 0, 200, 1 );
Level_3p = Param( "Level 3", 61.8, 0, 200, 1 );
Level_4p = Param( "Level 4", 138.2, 0, 200, 1 );
Level_5p = Param( "Level 5", 150, 0, 200, 1 );
Level_6p = Param( "Level 6", 161.8, 0, 200, 1 );
Level_7p = Param( "Level 7", 200, 0, 300, 1 );
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Styles" );
SwingLow_style = ParamStyle( "Swing Low", styleLine + styleDots, maskAll );
SwingHigh_style = ParamStyle( "Swing High", styleLine + styleDots, maskAll );
L1_style = ParamStyle( "Level 1", styleLine + styleDashed, maskAll );
L2_style = ParamStyle( "Level 2", styleLine, maskAll );
L3_style = ParamStyle( "Level 3", styleLine + styleDashed, maskAll );
L4_style = ParamStyle( "Level 4", styleLine + styleDashed, maskAll );
L5_style = ParamStyle( "Level 5", styleLine, maskAll );
L6_style = ParamStyle( "Level 6", styleLine + styleDashed, maskAll );
L7_style = ParamStyle( "Level 7", styleLine + styleThick + styleDots, maskAll );
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Colors" );
SwingLow_color = ParamColor( "Swing Low", def_SwingLow_color );
SwingHigh_color = ParamColor( "Swing High", def_SwingHigh_color );
L1_color = ParamColor( "Level 1", def_L1_color );
L2_color = ParamColor( "Level 2", def_L2_color );
L3_color = ParamColor( "Level 3", def_L3_color );
L4_color = ParamColor( "Level 4", def_L4_color );
L5_color = ParamColor( "Level 5", def_L5_color );
L6_color = ParamColor( "Level 6", def_L6_color );
L7_color = ParamColor( "Level 7", def_L7_color );
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Selection" );
L1_switch = ParamToggle( "Plot Level 1", "Off|On", 1 );
L2_switch = ParamToggle( "Plot Level 2", "Off|On", 1 );
L3_switch = ParamToggle( "Plot Level 3", "Off|On", 1 );
L4_switch = ParamToggle( "Plot Level 4", "Off|On", 1 );
L5_switch = ParamToggle( "Plot Level 5", "Off|On", 1 );
L6_switch = ParamToggle( "Plot Level 6", "Off|On", 1 );
L7_switch = ParamToggle( "Plot Level 7", "Off|On", 1 );
Filter = def_Filter AND BarIndex() == LastValue( BarIndex() ) AND NOT GroupID() == 253;
AddColumn( CurrentRT_EXT, "Current RT/EXT %" );
AddColumn( MaxRT_EXT, "Current max. RT/EXT %" );
WriteIf( Sup_pricejustabove, "Price just above",
WriteIf( Sup_confirmed, "Confirmed",
WriteIf( Sup_break, "Break", "" ) ) ), "Swing Low", 1.2,
IIf( Sup_pricejustabove OR sup_confirmed, colorGreen, colorRed ) );
WriteIf( Res_pricejustbelow, "Price just below",
WriteIf( Res_confirmed, "Confirmed",
WriteIf( Res_break, "Break", "" ) ) ), "Swing High", 1.2,
IIf( Res_pricejustbelow OR Res_confirmed, colorRed, colorGreen ) );
AddTextColumn( FullName(), "Full name" );
Plot( IIf( x >= xa &NOT AnZ, ya, -1e10 ), "", SLcol, 1 + 8 + 2048 );
Plot( IIf( x >= xb &NOT AnZ, yb, -1e10 ), "", SHcol, 1 + 8 + 2048 );
Plot( IIf( x >= xab &NOT AnZ, Level_1, -1e10 ), "", L1col, L1_style + styleNoRescale );
Plot( IIf( x >= xab &NOT AnZ, Level_2, -1e10 ), "", L2col, L2_style + styleNoRescale );
Plot( IIf( x >= xab &NOT AnZ, Level_3, -1e10 ), "", L3col, L3_style + styleNoRescale );
Plot( IIf( x >= xab &NOT AnZ, Level_4, -1e10 ), "", L4col, L4_style + styleNoRescale );
Plot( IIf( x >= xab &NOT AnZ, Level_5, -1e10 ), "", L5col, L5_style + styleNoRescale );
Plot( IIf( x >= xab &NOT AnZ, Level_6, -1e10 ), "", L6col, L6_style + styleNoRescale );
Plot( IIf( x >= xab &NOT AnZ, Level_7, -1e10 ), "", L7col, L7_style + styleNoRescale );
PlotText( WriteIf( L1_switch, "" + Level_1p + " %", "" ), LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), Level_1, L1col, colorDefault );
PlotText( WriteIf( L2_switch, "" + Level_2p + " %", "" ), LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), Level_2, L2col, colorDefault );
PlotText( WriteIf( L3_switch, "" + Level_3p + " %", "" ), LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), Level_3, L3col, colorDefault );
PlotText( WriteIf( L4_switch, "" + Level_4p + " %", "" ), LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), Level_4, L4col, colorDefault );
PlotText( WriteIf( L5_switch, "" + Level_5p + " %", "" ), LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), Level_5, L5col, colorDefault );
PlotText( WriteIf( L6_switch, "" + Level_6p + " %", "" ), LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), Level_6, L6col, colorDefault );
PlotText( WriteIf( L7_switch, "" + Level_7p + " %", "" ), LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), Level_7, L7col, colorDefault );
PlotText( "100 %", LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), SwingLow, IIf( LastValue( up ), SwingLow_color, SwingHigh_color ), colorDefault );
PlotText( "0 %", LastValue( BarIndex() + 2 ), Swinghigh, IIf( LastValue( dn ), SwingLow_color, SwingHigh_color ), colorDefault );
ToolTip = def_ToolTip;
Title = "PatternExplorer.com - Fibonacci Recognition" + default_priceTitle + EncodeColor( IIf( NOT AnZ, def_Text2, colorRed ) ) + ", Sensitivity = " + WriteVal( Sensitivity, 1 ) + EncodeColor( colorRed ) + WriteIf( NOT AnZ, "", "NO POINTS AVAILABLE -> REDUCE SENSITIVITY" ) + EncodeColor( IIf( LastValue( L ) > 0, Color_SL, Color_RL ) ) + ", Current Correction = " + WriteVal( CurrentRT_EXT, 1.0 ) + "% ";
_SECTION_END(); PatternExplorer有3.65和3.75板本,安裝它,AmiBroker如虎添翼,工具更加犀利! 果真如虎添翼,工具更加犀利! 這套用起時感覺像是電子花車