crunchor 發表於 13-9-3 12:10

你有冇看"程式交易:方法與實務應用"? 我想買但是有問題...

書內有沒有programming example, 例如Java, .NET (VB, C#)?

alexliou 發表於 13-9-3 12:43


crunchor 發表於 13-9-3 14:19

alexliou 發表於 13-9-3 12:43 static/image/common/back.gif

vba 是用excel做database, 比較用vb, c#, java直接在excel或sql拿data出來不同吧!? vba又會一行一行寫result到excel...又用result那一行再計下一行result...好不同!?

rockwell 發表於 13-9-3 14:47

crunchor 發表於 13-9-3 14:19 static/image/common/back.gif
vba 是用excel做database, 比較用vb, c#, java直接在excel或sql拿data出來不同吧!? vba又會一行一行寫res ...






alexliou 發表於 13-9-3 15:38


本帖最後由 alexliou 於 13-9-3 15:57 編輯

crunchor 發表於 13-9-3 14:19 static/image/common/back.gif
vba 是用excel做database, 比較用vb, c#, java直接在excel或sql拿data出來不同吧!? vba又會一行一行寫res ...
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)基本上就是VB的語法
它可以存取許多種不同的database, 如accessor SQL等

在MS OFFICE 的各項軟體中

該書作者使用EXCEL VBA作為使用者自建系統的開發工具

crunchor 發表於 13-9-3 17:37

alexliou 發表於 13-9-3 15:38 static/image/common/back.gif
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)基本上就是VB的語法
它可以存取許多種不同的database, 如accessor...

yes I understand, just using excel as database seem like having very different structure in the program coding. Is that instead of writing a temporary result in a new excel column, I put the result in a new array? Then I use this temporary array "column" to do more calculation like how vba does in excel?

crunchor 發表於 13-9-4 12:26

rockwell 發表於 13-9-3 14:47 static/image/common/back.gif
與一些小部分內容的增刪 ...

PHILIPZ is very great!

alexliou 發表於 13-9-4 14:14

本帖最後由 alexliou 於 13-9-4 14:16 編輯

crunchor 發表於 13-9-3 17:37 static/image/common/back.gif
yes I understand, just using excel as database seem like having very different structure in the pr ...
Actually the author dose not use excel sheet as a database, he uses excell sheets as output interface to make users easily see the results. In most of the his examples, the input data is read from a text file into arrays. All intermediate results are stored in user-defined variables rather than cells in the excell sheets.

A stub of codes from that book is attached below for your reference.

Dim i As Single, j As Single
Dim Min_Bar(1000, 6) As Variant 'Time, O,H,L.C,V
Dim O As Single
Dim H As Single
Dim L As Single
Dim C As Single
Dim V As Single
Dim NP As Single
Sub 關閉DDE自動交易系統()
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"), "ThisWorkBook.ExeSelf", , False
End Sub
Sub 啟動DDE自動交易系統()
    Dim k As Single
    j = 2
    Application.OnTime TimeValue("08:45:00"), "ExeSelf"
    'Call ExeSelf
End Sub
Private Sub ExeSelf()
    On Error Resume Next
    i = i + 1
    If i = 58 Then ' i = 60
      Sheets(2).Cells(j, 1) = Time
      Sheets(2).Cells(j, 2) = O
      Sheets(2).Cells(j, 3) = H
      Sheets(2).Cells(j, 4) = L
      Sheets(2).Cells(j, 5) = C
      Sheets(2).Cells(j, 6)

crunchor 發表於 13-9-4 15:05

alexliou 發表於 13-9-4 14:14 static/image/common/back.gif
Actually the author dose not use excel sheet as a database, he uses excell sheets as output interfa ...

very cool and thx for showing me the codes. Do you use Java to trade now? Do you think this book is helpful to learn? I am from Hong Kong and it is so sad that we can only use Interactive Broker over here to have API, all local brokerages don't have API, this is like stone age comparing to Taiwan or USA.

crunchor 發表於 13-9-7 18:37

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查看完整版本: 你有冇看"程式交易:方法與實務應用"? 我想買但是有問題...