selene 發表於 13-9-24 13:31

{:5_251:} 害我的訊號錯誤 真可惡

joe880224 發表於 13-9-24 19:34


賭神咖啡客 發表於 13-9-25 22:19

使用中華電信20M MC開在8150
使用中華電信50M MC開在8118
使用T社區網路60M MC開在8175
使用中國鐵通100M(大陸地區) MC開在8120
使用SGX(新加坡) MC開在8003

googleandy 發表於 13-9-25 22:28

本帖最後由 googleandy 於 13-9-25 22:30 編輯

賭神咖啡客 發表於 13-9-25 22:19 static/image/common/back.gif
使用中華電信20M MC開在8150
使用中華電信50M MC開在8118

哦, 很新鮮!
我的是中華電信 100M,難怪開很低!

lantis 發表於 13-9-25 23:43

本帖最後由 lantis 於 13-9-26 00:01 編輯

剛好看到 MC tech support 描述處理IB及時及歷史資料的不同 ... ?f=1&t=43360#p98215
IB has confirmed that different amount of tick data (volume) is provided for third party applications compared to IB TWS:
"There have been enhancements made in the last year for TWS Time & Sales which now provides additional settings and ticks exposed to TWS that are not mapped to the API."

They have not provided any ETA when the API connection will receive the same improvements.

At the moment you can try disabling the option “Generate a new tick if Total Volume changes” in QuoteManager -> Tools Data Sources -> Interactive Brokers to get pure IB data stream, that still can be different from TWS.

If you want to force MultiCharts to get historical price and volume values from IB - you can reload the chart. But basically IB realtime minutes are not saved to the database because the bar can be different from the actual historical minute bar.

In MultiCharts realtime minutes for IB datafeed are built from ticks.<-- 和網速有關?

IB provides historical minute data. So MultiCharts requests the minute data from IB server next time you request this information.


multichartspro 發表於 13-9-26 00:52

jodo 發表於 13-9-24 10:04 static/image/common/back.gif
這樣的資訊源品質~    還要收費      真的是!@#$!@#$

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