剛剛收到的信 沒權限貼連結Fantastic Thanksgiving Holiday Sale 2013!
The biggest offer of the year on MultiCharts and MultiCharts .NET lifetime licenses!
Save $500 ($1497 regular) on each Lifetime License right now:
Purchase MultiCharts .NET for only $997!
Purchase MultiCharts for only $997!
If you already have a Lifetime License you can get an additional one with 50% off discount!
Please contact us to take advantage of this offer now!
Don’t miss the chance and order today!
Offer expires 11:59:59 pm PST on December 6th, 2013.
Best regards,
MultiCharts Team
這樣好像就比代理商便宜了, 而且不知為啥其中有一個連結點進去價格只有747... 阿彌陀佛
1497/2=747 有一個的人 50 % off
本帖最後由 casey 於 13-11-27 00:12 編輯
Fantastic Thanksgiving Holiday Sale 2013!
The biggest offer of the year on MultiCharts and MultiCharts .NET lifetime licenses!
Save $500 ($1497 regular) on each Lifetime License right now:
Purchase MultiCharts .NET for only $997!
Purchase MultiCharts for only $997!
If you already have a Lifetime License you can get an additional one with 50% off discount!
Please contact us to take advantage of this offer now!
Don’t miss the chance and order today!
Offer expires 11:59:59 pm PST on December 6th, 2013.
Best regards,
MultiCharts Team
本帖最後由 swwang1999 於 13-11-27 05:53 編輯
之前有去登錄 , 就會寄信過來 , 也有收到
USD$997 的好像是沒有現有 license的 , 買的價錢
USD$747 的好像是已經有購買的人 , 還可以再用這個價錢再買一套
感謝版主提醒 , 信件被寄到垃圾信件夾中 , 趕快把它撈回來.....
狂推! 雖然我還沒要買 .........................{:8_537:} 有甚麼理由會用到第二套MC? lansrotim 發表於 13-11-27 09:28 static/image/common/back.gif
轉給有需要的人!! (不曉得可不可以) {:8_561:}
那英文版的MC,可以跟凱衛的國內行情連接嗎? 有中文版的可否以50%再購一套 除了三年前的聖誕特價買一送一之外,這是MC近一兩年來最好的優惠了 寫信去談談,能要到 50% off . 動作要快,到 12/06 止.
請問george大要到50% off了嗎@@,,
請問要寫些什麼才能有50% off...
感謝 若你有收到感恩節特賣通知書,或在原廠網站登錄之後,寫信問客服, 是否可以 50%購英文版. george123 發表於 13-12-2 19:55 static/image/common/back.gif
若你有收到感恩節特賣通知書,或在原廠網站登錄之後,寫信問客服, 是否可以 50%購英文版....
顆顆 被MC打槍了 只願意賣我$997