AmiBroker 5.77.0 BETA released
April 18, 2014AmiBroker 5.77.0 BETA released
Stability: Rank 3 – Regular BETA, pretty stable, should work fine in most environments
This is a BETA version. Make a backup first
A new beta version (5.77.0) of AmiBroker has just been released.
32-bit version:
(2 300 720 bytes)
64-bit version:
(9 515 576 bytes)
If you forgot your user name / password to the members area you can use automatic reminder service at:
IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members’ only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.
Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 5.70 or higher from
CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.77.0 (as compared to 5.76.0)
New Editor: ‘Use separate frame’ mode implemented (Tools->Preferences, “Editor” to turn this off and open as tab in main frame)
New Editor: Toolbar customization functionality added
UI: Window->Toggle Frame menu/shortcut added to quickly switch between main and separate editor frame
UI: Window menu reordered (Tile/Cascade items moved up)
New Editor: in 5.76 pressing Help button on dialogs when new editor was open, directed help file to ‘formula editor’ page instead of given dialog help file. Fixed.
New Editor: On dark backgrounds the selection is darker than it was before
New Editor: typing non-US characters is now working
New Editor: Copy As HTML implemented
New Editor: added ability to turn off line number margin, selection margin, fold margin (from View menu)
New Editor: added View->Fold All / Unfold All commands
New Editor: when relative paths were used sometimes auto-reload and auto-save before analysis did not work. Fixed.
New Editor: Caret Ln/Col position is displayed in the status bar
New Editor: Closing top error message bar clears ALL in-line error messages
New Editor: added Edit->Clear Error message menu (Ctrl+E) – it clears an error(s) in currently selected line/range
New Editor: The width of line number margin is automatically adjusted with regards to font size and line count and zoom level
New Analysis: Progress bar is shown/hid quicker
最近的改版對編輯器著墨甚多 排版比以前好太多了
小弟有寫信問作者了說 編輯器以前是蠻爛的,我都用notepad++ lwhuang 發表於 14-4-21 10:50 static/image/common/back.gif
新的編輯器是非常不錯的,到目前為止。 最新版5.78好像也出来了耶 DumbMoney 發表於 14-4-30 17:03 static/image/common/back.gif