tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 13:28

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 11:26 static/image/common/back.gif
上面的測試,都是在 Debian 系統底下測試的 ... 上星期六做完 CentOS 底下的 opencc 測試後,我就把 Linode ...

底下是在 Linode VPS 下的 CentOS 6.5 環境:
# ./src/tools/opencc -i /tmp/gb.txt -o /tmp/TEST-gb.txt -c /tmp/opencc-0.4.3/data/config/mix2zht.ini
Segmentation fault
# ./src/tools/opencc -i /tmp/gb.txt -o /tmp/TEST-gb.txt -c /tmp/opencc-0.4.3/data/config/mix2zht.ini
Segmentation fault
# pwd

但是當我把自行編譯的 opencc-0.4.3 執行過 make install 後,狀況又不一樣了 ... :
# ./src/tools/opencc -i /tmp/gb.txt -o /tmp/TEST-gb.txt -c /usr/share/opencc/mix2zht.ini
# ./src/tools/opencc -i /tmp/gb.txt -o /tmp/TEST-gb.txt
# ./src/tools/opencc -i /tmp/gb.txt -o /tmp/TEST-gb.txt -c /tmp/opencc-0.4.3/data/config/mix2zht.ini
# ./src/tools/opencc -i /tmp/gb.txt -o /tmp/TEST-gb.txt -c /usr/share/opencc/mix2zht.ini
# pwd
# ls -la /tmp/gb.tar.gz /tmp/gb.txt /tmp/TEST-gb.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root2345 Sep2 02:21 /tmp/gb.tar.gz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1003513 16021 Sep2 01:44 /tmp/gb.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16018 Sep2 05:21 /tmp/TEST-gb.txt
所以,是不是你那邊在編譯的過程中,出了什麼問題? 而導致有底下的錯誤產生呢? : {:4_144:}
opencc: symbol lookup error: opencc: undefined symbol: opencc_convert_utf8_free

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-2 13:38

本帖最後由 超級美少女 於 14-9-2 13:40 編輯

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 13:28 static/image/common/back.gif
底下是在 Linode VPS 下的 CentOS 6.5 環境:

cmake 我安裝到 3.01 版,編譯 opencc 都沒啥問題.

你的centos 6.5 64bitopencc 編譯好的,拷貝一份給我好了~{:4_128:}

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 14:12

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-2 13:38 static/image/common/back.gif
cmake 我安裝到 3.01 版,編譯 opencc 都沒啥問題.

你的centos 6.5 64bitopencc 編譯好的 ...

我在我的站台(,開了一個帳號給你 ...
檔案: opencc-0.4.3.compiler.tar.gz
以 lftp 登入站台後,即可下載. ^_^

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 14:25

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 14:12 static/image/common/back.gif
我在我的站台(,開了一個帳號給你 ...
檔案: opencc-0.4.3.compiler.tar.gz
以 lftp 登入站 ...

上面的站台是 Debian 系統,但 opencc-0.4.3.compiler.tar.gz 是我在 Linode VPS CentOS6.5 64 bit 環境下編譯成功的 ...
我怕 CentOS6.5 的環境,又在我測試完 Opencc 後,就又被砍掉了,所以,上傳到 Debian 那邊儲存起來 ...

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-2 15:55

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 14:25 static/image/common/back.gif
上面的站台是 Debian 系統,但 opencc-0.4.3.compiler.tar.gz 是我在 Linode VPS CentOS6.5 64 bit 環境下 ...


一個 pc 檔案夾,突然消失不見了~~{:4_144:}


超級美少女 發表於 14-9-2 16:02

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 14:25 static/image/common/back.gif
上面的站台是 Debian 系統,但 opencc-0.4.3.compiler.tar.gz 是我在 Linode VPS CentOS6.5 64 bit 環境下 ...


tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 16:41

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-2 15:55 static/image/common/back.gif

一個 pc 檔案夾,突然消失不見了~~

rm 沒有設定保險? ... {:4_144:}
root@linode-001:/tmp# alias
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -i'

root@linode-001:/tmp# cat ~/.bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.

# Note: PS1 and umask are already set in /etc/profile. You should not
# need this unless you want different defaults for root.
# PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\h:\w\$ '
# umask 022

# You may uncomment the following lines if you want `ls' to be colorized:
# export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
# eval "`dircolors`"
# alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
# alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
# alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'
# Some more alias to avoid making mistakes:
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'

如果已被刪除掉,可能就找不回來了 ... {:4_155:}

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 16:43

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-2 16:02 static/image/common/back.gif

要讓我來試試看嗎? ... {:4_82:}

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-2 17:03

tinyding 發表於 14-9-2 16:43 static/image/common/back.gif
要讓我來試試看嗎? ...

我想想還是用 mysql 偽原創的工具。直接在 mysql 上簡轉繁。


tinyding 發表於 14-9-6 23:24

今早 06:04 再度收到 Linode 寄送過來 "Hardware Issue" ... :Hello,

Our administrators have detected an issue affecting the physical hardware your Linode resides on. We're working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and will update this ticket as soon as we have more information.

Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.


十幾分鐘後,再次順利解決. ^_^

The physical hardware that your Linode currently resides on became unresponsive to our monitoring and required an emergency reboot. The hardware is back online and Linodes will be returning to their last state (booted or shutdown) shortly. However in order to protect your Linode from any further downtime, we have scheduled an emergency migration to different hardware in the Tokyo facility.

Your Linode has been entered into a migration queue and it will be moved to its new hardware shortly. Your Linode will be cleanly shut down, migrated to its new hardware, and then returned to its last state; you will not be required to manually power on your Linode. You can monitor your position in the migration queue in the Linode Manager. The migration process can take up to 2-3 minutes per GB of disk images.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to reply to this support ticket.

Matt M.

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-7 20:56

tinyding 發表於 14-9-6 23:24 static/image/common/back.gif
今早 06:04 再度收到 Linode 寄送過來 "Hardware Issue" ... :
十幾分鐘後,再次順利解決. ^_^


tinyding 發表於 14-9-7 21:14

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-7 20:56 static/image/common/back.gif
還好我只是做實驗的 ... 再重新登入 Linode 站台後,選擇 Grub-pv 以哪個開機選項來開機即可. 沒有什麼影響. ^_^

tinyding 發表於 14-9-22 08:42

今早 03:48 再度收到 Linode 的來信 ...

Our administrators have detected an issue affecting the physical hardware your Linode resides on. We're working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and will update this ticket as soon as we have more information.

Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Jon F.
Linode Support

所幸! 04:10 就解決了 ... ^_^

We have resolved the issue at this time, and your Linode will return to its last state shortly (running or powered off). There is no need to issue boot jobs for your Linode at this time.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please feel free to update this ticket in the event that you have any additional questions or concerns about this matter.

Jon F.
Linode Support

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-22 08:44

tinyding 發表於 14-9-22 08:42 static/image/common/back.gif
今早 03:48 再度收到 Linode 的來信 ...


tinyding 發表於 14-9-22 08:47

超級美少女 發表於 14-9-22 08:44 static/image/common/back.gif

這只是測試用的 ... {:4_189:}
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