sisindafa 發表於 14-10-15 23:29

DDT 開戶與交易所疑問



DDT有問我說要交易什麼商品,我回覆說: 小道瓊、歐元、迷你歐、日元、FDAX(德國指數)...等等


But in reference to the FDAX :

If you plan to trade EUREX & U.S. contracts, then you will notice on the homepage of our website (when you look down the column that says "Clearing & Exchange") for EUREX you will be charged in EUR & USD for any fees or losses. Which will require EUR & USD funds to be in your trading account to avoid any type of Debit balance between the two currencies because your trading account can maintain both types of currencies. For proper funding, then the Clearing Firm can convert any amount of your USD funds into EUR funds for a $25 Bank conversion fee at the Best real-time InterBank conversion rate possible. Both the EUR & USD sections will appear on your Daily statement, so you will need to monitor your EUR & USD balances to make sure they do not go Negative. Otherwise the Bank will charge you Interest penalty fees on your negative balance. Also, your total EUR & USD funds will get fully applied to your Margin requirements.
Please let me know if you are still interested in trading the FDAX on the EUREX Exchange ?


TrendRover 發表於 14-10-15 23:54

如果交易EUR,還是匯EUR 過去會省點~~~

sisindafa 發表於 14-10-16 00:31


tdc 發表於 14-10-16 01:58


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