請問劃出一個 shapeDownArrow
請問各位大大,如同一畫面中同時出現2個或以上相同的最高點,要如何才能指使其中之一個最高點的bar上劃出一個 shapeDownArrow,而不是同一畫面中每個最高點都畫,thanks in advance.
_VBarIndex = BarsSince( Status("barvisible") != Ref( Status("barvisible"), -1 ) );
_HHVShapes = ( HighestVisibleValue( H ) == H );
_HBarCount = Sum( ( _HHVShapes != Ref( _HHVShapes, -1 ) ), _VBarIndex );
_HHVShapes = _HHVShapes AND ( _HBarCount == 1 ) AND ( Ref( _HBarCount, -1 ) == 0 );
_LLVShapes = ( LowestVisibleValue( L ) == L );
_LBarCount = Sum( ( _LLVShapes != Ref( _LLVShapes, -1 ) ), _VBarIndex );
_LLVShapes = _LLVShapes AND ( _LBarCount == 1 ) AND ( Ref( _LBarCount, -1 ) == 0 );
PlotShapes( _HHVShapes * shapeSmallSquare + _LLVShapes * shapeSmallSquare
, colorWhite
, 0
, _HHVShapes * High +_LLVShapes * Low
, _HHVShapes * 10 +_LLVShapes * -10 );
for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
if ( _HHVShapes[ i ] )
PlotText( "High " + H[ i ]
, i + 2
, H[ i ]
, colorWhite );
if ( _LLVShapes[ i ] )
PlotText( "Low " + L[ i ]
, i + 2
, L[ i ]
, colorWhite );
Plot( C, "", colorWhite, styleCandle );