大大,想請教, 如果我有5個array, 比如:
HHV1 = HHV(Open, 1);
HHV2 = HHV(Open, 2);
HHV3 = HHV(Open, 3);
HHV4 = HHV(Open, 4);
HHV5 = HHV(Open, 5);
但如果我不想寫5行AFL, 我想用loop自動幫ARRAY命名, 和幫他定義, 比如:
for( i = 1; i < 5; i++ )
HHV+"i" = HHV(Open, "i");
我知道上面的loop是錯誤, 但我只想帶出我的意思, 請問應該如何改為正確?
本帖最後由 joshsmi 於 14-11-29 04:05 編輯
See dynamic variables
for( i = 1; i < 6; i++ )
VarSet( "HHV" + i, HHV(O, i ) );
Then either use VarGet to call them back
for( i = 1; i < 6; i++ )
Plot( VarGet( "HHV" + i ), "HHV" + i, colorRed, styleline );
or picking single variable i.e
Plot( HHV1, "HHV1", colorRed, styleline );
On the other and if you already have a ready list of variables like
HHV1 = HHV(Open, 1);
HHV2 = HHV(Open, 2);
HHV3 = HHV(Open, 3);
HHV4 = HHV(Open, 4);
HHV5 = HHV(Open, 5);
then you can also call those ones via VarGet, i.e.
for( i = 1; i < 6; i++ )
Plot( VarGet( "HHV" + i ), "HHV" + i, colorRed, styleline );
joshsmi 發表於 14-11-29 04:02 static/image/common/back.gif
See dynamic variables
Thanks Joshsmi.
One more question, if i wanna pick one of the elements from the array, by using VarGet, how can I do that? I tried:
HHV5 = HHV(Open, 5);
no7element = VarGet("HHV" + 5 + "");
I wanted to pick the 7th element from the array HHV5, but it's failed.
osdak 發表於 14-11-29 12:11 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks Joshsmi.
One more question, if i wanna pick one of the elements from the array, by using V ...
除非 AB有提供其他便捷方式
buf = VarGet("HHV" + 5);
no7element = buf ;
saucer 發表於 14-11-29 13:01 static/image/common/back.gif
除非 AB有提供其他便捷方式
是, 謝謝. 我剛剛也是用這方法. 只是想看看有沒有更快的^_^
本帖最後由 joshsmi 於 14-11-29 23:48 編輯
If you just pick on variable then simply use
no7element = HHV5;
no need for varget
Otherwise if it is all variables and you need to loop barcount then I would do it this way.
for ( x = 1; x <= xmax; x++ )
var = VarGet( tablename + x );
for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
if( var ....
or whatever