是否easy language 的指標
在一個 網站找到一個tradestation指標, 部分程式碼是:(很奇怪是否是easy language, 因有一些碼是"Method override void ..."
想問Multicharts 能否用到? )
intrabarpersist int BS(0), { Bar status }
intrabarpersist Dev(0), { deviation }
intrabarpersist DevLength(0), { length used for deviation function }
intrabarpersist oLRSlope(0),
intrabarpersist oLRAngle(0),
intrabarpersist int NDraw(0),
intrabarpersist bool DrawOK(true), { switch to indicate when reg channel needs to be redrawn }
Text1(""), { for future use labelling chart }
Text2(""); { for future use labelling chart }
int UBand(0), { stores trend line ID#'s of upper channels }
int LBand(0); { stores trend line ID#'s of lower channels }
// methods begin //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
{ Methods declaration }
var: elsystem.Timer Timer1( NULL );
Method override void InitializeComponent()
Timer1 = new elsystem.Timer;
Timer1.Interval = CalcSeconds * 1000;
Timer1.AutoReset = true;
Timer1.Enable = true;
Timer1.Name = "Timer1";
Timer1.elapsed += Timer1_Elapsed;