xxyyzzxyz627 發表於 16-5-15 18:47


if marketposition=0 and kb<1 and value1 > 500 and value2 <-500 then begin buy("buy")
next bar at market;
if marketposition=0 and ks<1 and value1 <-500and value2 > 500 then begin sellshort("sell")
next bar at market;

if marketposition>0 then KB=1;
if marketposition<0 then KS=1;

if marketposition>0 then sell next bar at entryprice-30 stop;
if marketposition>0 then sell next bar at entryprice+30 LIMIT;
if marketposition<0 then buytocover next bar at entryprice-30 LIMiT;
if marketposition<0 then buytocover next bar at entryprice+30 stop;

if time>=1326 then sell("exitbuy1")    this bar;
if time>=1326 then buytocover("exitshort1")    this bar;

不好意思上面是我的進場跟停損停利的依據請問如果我多單進場 賠20點的時候加碼一口多單要怎麼寫呢??? 碰到停損停利全部出場

xxyyzzxyz627 發表於 16-5-15 19:25

我不知道怎麼刪除 帖子我找到方法了謝謝~!!!
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