本帖最後由 zaqimon 於 12-11-7 14:30 編輯
- /*
- from htt[delete_me]p:/[delete_me]/w[delete_me]ww.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=569
- [20121107] zaqimon
- Some mods and tidy up.
- There is also another version with STDEV for its channel width, but I'm OK with this simple original method.
- */
- Pd=Param("Period",10,1,50,1);
- ShowStop = ParamToggle("Show Stop Breakout?","No|Yes",0);
- AvgUpPenMult=Param("Up Multiplier",2,1,4,0.1);
- AvgDnPenMult=Param("Down Multiplier",2,1,4,0.1);
- DaysInTrade=Param("Days in trade",3,1,50,1);
- colorSZShort = ParamColor("Color Safe Zone Short", colorRed );
- colorSZLong = ParamColor("Color Safe Zone Long", colorBrightGreen );
- H1=Ref(H,-1);
- L1=Ref(L,-1);
- UpPen=IIf(H>H1,H-H1,0);
- DnPen=IIf(L<L1,L1-L,0);
- UpPenSum=Sum(UpPen,Pd);
- DnPenSum=Sum(DnPen,Pd);
- UpPenCount=Sum(H>H1,Pd);
- DnPenCount=Sum(L<L1,Pd);
- /*
- we need to avoid divide-by-zero.
- i choose using (yesterday) Close for Stop Price if there is no available value.
- you can happily exit anytime and take profit after such a rarely occured winning streak.
- or you should be more cautious about your position after such kind of rally.
- */
- AvgUpPen=IIf(UpPenCount>0,UpPenSum/UpPenCount,0);
- AvgDnPen=IIf(DnPenCount>0,DnPenSum/DnPenCount,0);
- StopShort=H+(AvgUpPen*AvgUpPenMult);
- StopLong=L-(AvgDnPen*AvgDnPenMult);
- // This is the SafeZone "Dot"
- SafeZoneStopShort=LLV(StopShort,DaysInTrade);
- SafeZoneStopLong=HHV(StopLong,DaysInTrade);
- // This calculates the Stop "Line"
- // Only move Stop closer except Stop Breakout, then we move Stop (farther) to SafeZone "Dot"
- ShortStop=SafeZoneStopShort;
- LongStop=SafeZoneStopLong;
- for (i=1;i < BarCount; i++)
- {
- if(H[i] < ShortStop[i-1] && SafeZoneStopShort[i] > ShortStop[i-1])
- {
- ShortStop[i] = ShortStop[i-1];
- }
- if(L[i] > LongStop[i-1] && SafeZoneStopLong[i] < LongStop[i-1])
- {
- LongStop[i] = LongStop[i-1];
- }
- }
- Plot(SafeZoneStopShort, "Safe Zone Short", colorSZShort, styleDots|styleNoLine);
- Plot(SafeZoneStopLong, "Safe Zone Long", colorSZLong, styleDots|styleNoLine);
- // EncodeColor force Title color unchanging, or it changes according to the right-most bar, which is irritating.
- // Grey line means we move Stop farther, while in real trade, you should always move Stop closer.
- Plot(ShortStop, EncodeColor(ColorBlend(colorSZShort,colorBlack))+"Stop Short", IIf(ShortStop>Ref(ShortStop,-1), colorGrey50, ColorBlend(colorSZShort, colorBlack)), ParamStyle("Style Stop Short", styleLine));
- Plot(LongStop, EncodeColor(ColorBlend(colorSZLong,colorBlack))+"Stop Long", IIf(LongStop<Ref(LongStop,-1), colorGrey50, ColorBlend(colorSZLong, colorBlack)), ParamStyle("Style Stop Long", styleLine));
- if(ShowStop)
- {
- // touch Yesterday's Stop price then exit, showing a hollow triangle
- PlotShapes(IIf(H>=Ref(ShortStop,-1), shapeHollowSmallUpTriangle, shapeNone), colorSZShort, 0, H, 12);
- PlotShapes(IIf(L<=Ref(LongStop,-1), shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle, shapeNone), colorSZLong, 0, L, 12);
- }