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[API] 不用滴滴咿改寫吸嘉嘉感覺好帥(ADK)

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再用AmiBroker的Plug-In去收雖然用C#寫蠻簡單的(ptid=145893 #8樓)

























AB-RealtimeADK.rar (38.98 KB, 下載次數: 19, 售價: 1 金錢)

雖然手上收行情的api比較舊還是可以用的啦! 程式裏不要調用新功能就可以了





如果之前在舊公司有備份到feed server就好了,不管券商行情多難用都可以變簡單






結論是          還蠻好玩的         比接DDE直接方便  比寫C#帥

  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //ADK的基本定義與宣告
  3. #ifndef _USRDLL
  4.         #define _USRDLL                /*        注意! 用ADK的 Plugin.h 來寫dll的話要設立此 define , VC專案是會自動設立        */
  5. #endif

  6. #include "../Plugin.h"        //官方原始檔案, 碰都不用碰就能爽爽用
  7. //#include "../Plugin_Legacy.h"        //若需支援老舊的AmiBroker可透過此定義檔做轉換 ( Plugin.h 裡面直接有include )

  8. //#include "Data_DbfTCdll2.cpp"        // 使用 DbfTCdll2 連接 DTS (HFOCX範例), 想用其他資料來源換掉這行即可
  9. #include "Data_DbfTCdll2(KGQ).cpp"        //因為是舊版的,少了Tick Manager功能,改寫在這個cpp嘗試

  10. //以下為ADK相關, 這個檔以ADK功能為主
  11. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. // These are the only two lines you need to change
  13. #define PLUGIN_NAME "FTW-DbfTCdll2"        // "?RT data Plug-in"        //"Sample AmiBroker Plug-in"
  14. #define VENDOR_NAME ""        // ""
  15. #define PLUGIN_VERSION 10000
  16. #define PLUGIN_ID PIDCODE( 'F', 'T', 'W', 'D' )        //在AmiBroker的全部Plug-in中需為unique,若需多個相同方式的dll改這裏不一樣即可

  17. #define THIS_PLUGIN_TYPE PLUGIN_TYPE_DATA        //設成為資料源模式( Chart-Data or real-time , Tick資料也是比照Chart-Data要生給AB抓而不是AB自己會累積產生)
  18. /*        // PLUGIN_TYPE Note!!
  19. 詳見 ADK/adk.html                1.2 INTERFACE ARCHITECTURE
  20. 基本上 AmiBroker 判斷PLUGIN是否有提供以下介面函式
  21.         GetQuotesEx - 歷史數據(chart-data) ... 會來撈一個array的歷史資料(如KD) (Tick也是要這樣處理)
  22.         GetRecentInfo - 即時數據(real-time) ... 會來撈報價如 trade, bid/ask, days high/low, etc...

  23. #define PLUGIN_TYPE_AFL 1                        //PLUGIN_TYPE_AFL 功能模式吧... 好像只是提供一些功能方便於AmiBroker取值
  24.         For AFL plugins this second initialization phase happens when AFL engine starts
  25.          for a very first time initializing its function table. Then AmiBroker performs the following operations:
  26.                 AmiBroker calls SetSiteInterface() function exported by the plug in. The site interface is used later in DLL for calling back various AmiBroker functions (including allocating/freeing memory, reading/writing AFL variables, calling back AFL functions)
  27.                 AmiBroker calls Init() function from the plug in DLL that should be used for initializing working variables/allocating extra memory if necessary
  28.                 AmiBroker calls GetFunctionTable() from the plug in DLL. In this step the AFL functions provided by the DLL are added to the internal AmiBroker dispatch tables allowing futher calls of these functions.
  29.         Note that this is done only once after loading DLLs in the newer versions of AmiBroker (4.10 and up).

  30. #define PLUGIN_TYPE_DATA 2                        //PLUGIN_TYPE_DATA 資料源模式, 於AmiBroker中會出現在 Data Source 中可以選擇
  31.         1.需提供 SetTimeBase 回應 AmiBroker 可接受什麼時間間隔等級的資料
  32.         2.可透過 GetStatus 讓 AmiBroker 知道資料源的連線狀況 且會於介面右下角顯示對應的狀態與訊息
  33.         3.當於AmiBroker的選單進入 File->Database Settings 選擇此資料源確認後, 就會呼叫 GetQuotesEx
  34.          (a)如果是舊版的AmiBroker則是呼叫 GetQuotes 如不想支援舊版可以不用設計 GetQuotes
  35.          (b)若要支援舊版的AmiBroker可以透過 Plugin_Legacy.h 的定義和新格式做轉換
  36.          (c)於AmiBroker的選單進入 Symbol->New 新建一個商品代碼時確定後也會呼叫 GetQuotesEx
  37.          (d)可透過 ::SendMessage( g_hAmiBrokerWnd, WM_USER_STREAMING_UPDATE, 0, 0 ); 的方式通知AmiBroker呼叫 GetQuotesEx 更新資料

  38.         For Data plugins the second initialization phase happens when given data source is selected
  39.          for the very first time in current AmiBroker session.
  40.         Then AmiBroker just calls Init() function from the plugin that should be used for initializing working variables/allocating extra memory if necessary.
  41.         No other function is called for data plugins at this time.

  42. #define PLUGIN_TYPE_AFL_AND_DATA 3
  43.         看就明白這是 AFL + DATA 混合的模式

  45. */

  46. /*        // real-time 注意這幾個
  47. GetPluginStatus() function is optional and used mostly by real-time plugins to provide visual feedback on current plugin status. It provides a way to display status information in the AmiBroker's status bar. For example implementation of GetPluginStatus() function please check QuoteTracker plugin source.

  48. The following two functions are implemented only by real-time plugins:

  49. PLUGINAPI struct RecentInfo * GetRecentInfo( LPCTSTR pszTicker ); // RT plugins    only
  50. PLUGINAPI int GetSymbolLimit( void ); // RT plugins only

  51. GetRecentInfo() function is exported only by real-time plugins and provides the information about the most recent trade, bid/ask, days high/low, etc (updated by streaming data).
  52. It is called by AmiBroker's real-time quote window on each window refresh (occurs several times a second). The function takes ticker symbol and returns the pointer to RecentInfo structure described above.

  53. GetSymbolLimit() function is exported only by real-time plugins.
  54. It returns the maximum number of streaming symbols that plugin and/or external data source can handle.
  55. The result of this function is used to limit the number of symbols that are displayed in real-time quote window
  56. */

  57. ////////////////////////////////////////
  58. // Data section
  59. ////////////////////////////////////////
  60. static struct PluginInfo oPluginInfo =
  61. {
  62.                 sizeof( struct PluginInfo ),
  63.                 THIS_PLUGIN_TYPE,               
  64.                 PLUGIN_VERSION,
  65.                 PLUGIN_ID,
  66.                 PLUGIN_NAME,
  67.                 VENDOR_NAME,
  68.                 0,                // certificate code - set it to zero for private plug-ins
  69.                 527000        // 這裡設計只用新版的 GetQuotesEx 不再用舊的 GetQuotes 所以限制要求最低版本要AmiBroker 5.27以上
  70. };

  71. // the site interface for callbacks
  72. struct SiteInterface gSite;

  73. enum {
  74. //用來表示資訊源狀態
  75.         STATUS_WAIT,
  76.         STATUS_CONNECTED,
  78.         STATUS_SHUTDOWN
  79. };
  80. int                g_nStatus = STATUS_SHUTDOWN;

  81. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  82. // Basic plug-in interface functions exported by DLL
  83. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  84. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
  86. //
  87. // Each AmiBroker plug-in DLL must export the following
  88. // functions:
  89. // 1. GetPluginInfo        - called when DLL is loaded
  90. // 2. Init - called when AFL engine is being initialized
  91. // 3. Release - called when AFL engine is being closed

  92. PLUGINAPI int GetPluginInfo( struct PluginInfo *pInfo )
  93. {
  94.         *pInfo = oPluginInfo;

  95.         return TRUE;
  96. }

  97. /*        // for 設計 PLUGIN_TYPE_DATA 所以不需要這個
  98. // SiteInterface structure <== 回callAmiBroker的內建函式透過此結構 看.h檔內容 "Plugin.h"
  99. // defines call-back function pointers
  100. // the structure is filled with correct
  101. // pointers by the AmiBroker and passed to DLL via SetSiteInterface() function call
  102. //
  103. // SiteInterface is used as a way to call-back AmiBroker built-in functions
  104. //
  105. PLUGINAPI int SetSiteInterface( struct SiteInterface *pInterface )
  106. {
  107.         gSite = *pInterface;

  108.         return TRUE;
  109. }
  110. */

  111. PLUGINAPI int Init(void)
  112. {
  113.         if (!hmDbfTCdll)
  114.                 hmDbfTCdll = LoadLibrary(DbfTCdllLibSource);
  115.         if (hmDbfTCdll)
  116.         {
  117.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_SelectDataSet);
  118.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_InitUser);
  119.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_Start);
  120.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_Stop);
  121.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_GetConnectionStatus);
  122.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_CallBack_Register);
  123.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_GetCurrTagValue);
  124.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_GetPrevTagValue);
  125.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_CreateStringIdMapping);
  126.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_GetStringId);
  127.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_CreateItemQuoteMemory);
  128.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_GetItemQuoteMemory);
  129.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_GetQueueCount);

  130. /*
  131.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_STManCreateGroup);
  132.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_STManCreateProduct);
  133.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_STManGetTickHandle);
  134.                 WWXfunc_DllImport(hmDbfTCdll, fnDbfTCdll_STManGetTickMemory);
  135. */                //舊版的沒這個只能先拿掉

  136.                 if (fnDbfTCdll_CallBack_Register)
  137.                 {
  138.                         //CallBack 模式
  139.                         fnDbfTCdll_CallBack_Register(TagDataProcessFunction, 1);// 1 - By Tag, 每個商品的每個Tag更新都會呼叫
  140.                         fnDbfTCdll_CallBack_Register(ItemProcessFunction, 2);// 2 - By Item, 有更新的商品會呼叫 (傳入之cpVarName,cpNewValue,cpOldValue等參數為NULL)
  141. /*
  142.                         if (fnDbfTCdll_STManCreateGroup)
  143.                         {
  144.                                 unsigned long uGroupIndex = fnDbfTCdll_STManCreateGroup("RecentInfoDataItem", sizeof(RecentInfoDataItem), NULL, 64, 256);
  145.                                 unsigned long uProductIndex = fnDbfTCdll_STManCreateProduct(uGroupIndex);
  146.                                 vpQuoteIndexHandle = fnDbfTCdll_STManGetTickHandle(uGroupIndex, uProductIndex);
  147.                                 if (!vpQuoteIndexHandle)
  148.                                         MessageBox(0, "Dll file "DbfTCdllLibSource" STMan Err! Memory crash!!", PLUGIN_NAME" Init Error!", MB_OK);
  149.                         }
  150.                         else
  151.                                 MessageBox(0, "Dll file "DbfTCdllLibSource" not support STMan", PLUGIN_NAME" Init Error!", MB_OK);
  152. */                //舊版的沒這個只能先拿掉
  153.                 }
  154.                 else
  155.                 {
  156.                         FreeLibrary(hmDbfTCdll);
  157.                         hmDbfTCdll = NULL;
  158.                         MessageBox(0, "Dll file "DbfTCdllLibSource" load faild!!", PLUGIN_NAME" Init Error!", MB_OK);
  159.                 }
  160.         }
  161.         else
  162.         {
  163.                 MessageBox(0,
  164.                         "Dll file "DbfTCdllLibSource" not found!!\n"
  165.                         "請將檔案置於AmiBroker的工作環境資料夾內"
  166.                         , PLUGIN_NAME" Init Error!"
  167.                         , MB_OK
  168.                 );
  169.         }

  170.         if (hmDbfTCdll)
  171.         {
  172.                 fnDbfTCdll_InitUser(PLUGIN_NAME);        // 直接用PLUGIN_NAME當User,同一資訊源相同User只能一個在線; 可改成用參數提供設定
  173.                 fnDbfTCdll_SelectDataSet(caDB_list);
  174.                 if (fnDbfTCdll_Start(caDTS_host))
  175.                         g_nStatus = STATUS_WAIT;
  176.         }

  177.         return 1; // default implementation does nothing

  178. };         

  179. PLUGINAPI int Release(void)
  180. {
  181.         if (hmDbfTCdll)
  182.                 fnDbfTCdll_Stop();

  183.         return 1; // default implementation does nothing
  184. };

  185. HWND g_hAmiBrokerWnd = NULL;

  186. /////////////////////////////////
  187. // Forward declaration of Timer callback function
  188. //////////////////////////////////

  190. ///////////////////////////////////////
  191. // Notify function implementation
  192. //
  193. // Notify() is called by AmiBroker
  194. // in the various circumstances including:
  195. // 1. database is loaded/unloaded
  196. // 2. right mouse button is clicked in the
  197. //    plugin status area of AmiBroker's status bar.
  198. //
  199. // The implementation may provide special handling
  200. // of such events.
  201. ///////////////////////////////////////

  202. PLUGINAPI int Notify(struct PluginNotification *pn)
  203. {
  204.         //AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState() );

  205.         if( g_hAmiBrokerWnd == NULL )
  206.         {
  207.                 g_hAmiBrokerWnd = pn->hMainWnd;

  208.                 if (pn->nReason & REASON_DATABASE_LOADED)
  209.                 {//Amibroker已經準備好接收資料
  210.                         //::MessageBox(0, "REASON_DATABASE_LOADED", "STATUS_CONNECTED", MB_OK);
  211.                 }

  212.                 //if (pn->nReason & REASON_DATABASE_UNLOADED)
  213.                 //{
  214.                 //        ::MessageBox(0, "REASON_DATABASE_UNLOADED", NULL, MB_OK);
  215.                 //}

  216.                 //if (pn->nReason & REASON_STATUS_RMBCLICK)
  217.                 //        ::MessageBox(0, "REASON_STATUS_RMBCLICK", NULL, MB_OK);
  218.         }

  219.         return 1;
  220. }         

  221. ////////////////////////////////////////
  222. // GetStatus function is called periodically
  223. // (in on-idle processing) to retrieve the status of the plugin
  224. // Returned status information (see PluginStatus structure definition)
  225. // contains numeric status code        as well as short and long
  226. // text descriptions of status.
  227. //
  228. // The highest nibble (4-bit part) of nStatus code
  229. // represents type of status:
  230. // 0 - OK, 1 - WARNING, 2 - MINOR ERROR, 3 - SEVERE ERROR
  231. // that translate to color of status area:
  232. // 0 - green, 1 - yellow, 2 - red, 3 - violet

  233. PLUGINAPI int GetStatus( struct PluginStatus *status )
  234. {
  235.         char *cpStatus = "GetConnectionStatus() failed!";
  236.         if (hmDbfTCdll)
  237.         {
  238.                 cpStatus = fnDbfTCdll_GetConnectionStatus();
  239.                 if (cpStatus[1] == 'O')
  240.                         g_nStatus = STATUS_CONNECTED;
  241.                 else if (cpStatus[1] == 'X')
  242.                         g_nStatus = STATUS_DISCONNECTED;
  243.                 else
  244.                         g_nStatus = STATUS_WAIT;
  245.         }

  246.         switch( g_nStatus )
  247.         {
  248.         case STATUS_WAIT:
  249.                 status->nStatusCode = 0x10000000;
  250.                 strcpy( status->szShortMessage, "WAIT" );
  251.                 strcpy( status->szLongMessage, cpStatus );
  252.                 status->clrStatusColor = RGB( 255, 255, 0 );
  253.                 break;
  254.         case STATUS_CONNECTED:
  255.                 status->nStatusCode = 0x00000000;
  256.                 strcpy( status->szShortMessage, "OK" );
  257.                 strcpy( status->szLongMessage, vpQuoteIndexHandle?cpStatus:DbfTCdllLibSource"api too old " );
  258.                 status->clrStatusColor = RGB( 0, 255, 0 );
  259.                 break;
  260.         case STATUS_DISCONNECTED:
  261.                 status->nStatusCode = 0x20000000;
  262.                 strcpy( status->szShortMessage, "ERR" );
  263.                 strcpy( status->szLongMessage, cpStatus );
  264.                 status->clrStatusColor = RGB( 255, 0, 0 );
  265.                 break;
  266.         case STATUS_SHUTDOWN:
  267.                 status->nStatusCode = 0x30000000;
  268.                 strcpy( status->szShortMessage, "DOWN" );
  269.                 strcpy( status->szLongMessage, "Connection is shut down.\nThe dll file '"DbfTCdllLibSource"' can't load." );
  270.                 status->clrStatusColor = RGB( 192, 0, 192 );
  271.                 break;
  272.         default:
  273.                 strcpy( status->szShortMessage, "Unkn" );
  274.                 strcpy( status->szLongMessage, cpStatus );
  275.                 status->clrStatusColor = RGB( 255, 255, 255 );
  276.                 break;
  277.         }

  278.         return 1;
  279. }

  280. PLUGINAPI int SetTimeBase( int nTimeBase )
  281. {
  282. //char txt[128];
  283. //sprintf(txt, "%d", nTimeBase);
  284. //::MessageBox(0, "SetTimeBase", txt, MB_OK);
  285.         //return ( nTimeBase >= 60 && nTimeBase <= ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) )  ? 1 : 0;        //1分線 ~ 日線
  286.         return ( nTimeBase >= 0 && nTimeBase <= ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) )  ? 1 : 0;        // Ticker ~ 日線
  287. }

  288. //ADK for RT
  289. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  290. ////////////////////////////////////////
  291. // GetSymbolLimit function is called by AmiBroker
  292. // to find out the maximum number of real-time streaming symbols
  293. // that can be displayed in the real-time quote window.
  294. ///////////////////////////////////////
  295. // GetSymbolLimit function is optional, used only by real-time plugins
  296. PLUGINAPI int GetSymbolLimit( void )
  297. {//告知AmiBroker, 可以向本plugin註冊最多幾個symbol
  298.         if (hmDbfTCdll)
  299.                 return 99999;
  300.         return 0;
  301. }

  302. // GetRecentInfo function is optional, used only by real-time plugins
  303. PLUGINAPI struct RecentInfo * GetRecentInfo( LPCTSTR pszTicker )
  304. {//HFOCX可用的代碼可以看這裏==>
  305.         if (hmDbfTCdll)
  306.         {
  307.                 RecentItemRefer *spRecentRefer = GetRecentItemRefer(pszTicker);
  308.                 if (spRecentRefer)
  309.                         return &(spRecentRefer->spRecentItem->sRecentInfo);
  310.         }
  311.         return NULL;
  312. }

  313. BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
  314. {
  315.     switch (ul_reason_for_call)
  316.         {
  317.                 case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
  318.                 case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
  319.                         break;

  320.                 case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
  321.                         break;

  322.                 case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
  323.                         break;
  324.     }

  325.     return TRUE;
  326. }

 樓主| 發表於 19-1-29 09:34 | 顯示全部樓層
kuolung 發表於 19-1-28 20:56
最核心的 getquoteex 的程式沒 show 出來













以網路這份資料 存檔作示範



  1. typedef long (WINAPI *pWWXfunc_demoTest_LoadFile)(char *TxtFile);
  2. static char WWXfunc_demoTest_LoadFile[] = "demoTest_LoadFile";/* DLL中對應的API名稱 */

  3. typedef long (WINAPI *pWWXfunc_demoTest_ParserCsvLine)(long LineNo);
  4. static char WWXfunc_demoTest_ParserCsvLine[] = "demoTest_ParserCsvLine";/* DLL中對應的API名稱 */

  5. typedef char * (WINAPI *pWWXfunc_demoTest_GetField)(long FieldIndex);
  6. static char WWXfunc_demoTest_GetField[] = "demoTest_GetField";/* DLL中對應的API名稱 */

  7. //啟用指定函數
  8. WWXfunc_DllFuncAdd(demoTest_LoadFile)
  9. WWXfunc_DllFuncAdd(demoTest_ParserCsvLine)
  10. WWXfunc_DllFuncAdd(demoTest_GetField)

  11. #define CsvReadDllLibSource "CsvReader_x32.dll"

  12. HMODULE hmCsvRead = NULL;

  13. //////////////////////////////////////
  14. // GetQuotesEx is a most important function
  15. // for every data plugin
  16. // it is called by AmiBroker everytime AmiBroker
  17. // needs new data for given symbol.
  18. //
  19. // Internally AmiBroker caches response obtained
  20. // from GetQuotes function but you may force it to
  21. // get new data by sending appropriate message to AmiBroker
  22. // main window.
  23. //
  24. //
  25. // When AmiBroker calls GetQuotes function it allocates
  26. // array of quotations of size equal to default number of bars as set in
  27. // File->Database Settings,
  28. // and fills the array with quotes that are already present in the
  29. // database.
  30. // Filled area covers array elements from zero to nLastValid
  31. //
  32. // In your DLL you can update the array with more recent quotes.
  33. // Depending on the data source you can either fill entire array
  34. // from the scratch (Metastock, TC2000, QP2 plugins do that)
  35. // or just add/update a few recent bars and leave the remaining bars
  36. // untouched (eSignal, myTrack, QuoteTracker plugins do that)

  37. // GetQuotesEx function is functional equivalent fo GetQuotes but
  38. // handles new Quotation format with 64 bit date/time stamp and floating point volume/open int
  39. // and new Aux fields
  40. // it also takes pointer to context that is reserved for future use (can be null)
  41. // Called by AmiBroker 5.27 and above
  42. PLUGINAPI int GetQuotesEx( LPCTSTR pszTicker, int nPeriodicity, int nLastValid, int nSize, struct Quotation *pQuotes, GQEContext *pContext  )
  43. {
  44.         //AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState() );

  45.         if (!hmCsvRead)
  46.         {
  47.                 hmCsvRead = LoadLibrary(CsvReadDllLibSource);
  48.                 if (hmCsvRead)
  49.                 {
  50.                         WWXfunc_DllImport(hmCsvRead, demoTest_LoadFile);
  51.                         WWXfunc_DllImport(hmCsvRead, demoTest_ParserCsvLine);
  52.                         WWXfunc_DllImport(hmCsvRead, demoTest_GetField);
  53.                 }
  54.         }//這段載入dll對應api的部分應該寫在Init()那邊就好,放這邊是便於看懂關聯性

  55.         if (strcmp(pszTicker, "2330"))
  56.                 return 0;

  57.         if (hmCsvRead)
  58.         {
  59.                 if (nLastValid < 0)
  60.                 {
  61.                         long LineCount = demoTest_LoadFile("2330.txt.csv");
  62.                         if (nSize > LineCount)
  63.                         {
  64.                                 long i;
  65.                                 for (i = LineCount; --i > 0; )
  66.                                 {
  67.                                         if (demoTest_ParserCsvLine(i) > 7)//IndexDate,Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
  68.                                         {
  69.                                                 int year,mon,day;
  70.                                                 if (sscanf(demoTest_GetField(1), "%04d/%02d/%02d", &year, &mon, &day) == 3)
  71.                                                 {
  72.                                                         nLastValid = atol(demoTest_GetField(0)) - 1;
  73.                                                         //pQuotes[ nLastValid ].DateTime.Date;

  74.                                                         //時間
  75.                                                         pQuotes[ nLastValid ].DateTime.Date                = DAILY_MASK; // EOD
  76.                                                         struct PackedDate &DateTime = pQuotes[ nLastValid ].DateTime.PackDate;
  77.                                                         DateTime.Year                = year;
  78.                                                         DateTime.Month                = mon;
  79.                                                         DateTime.Day                = day;
  80.                                                         DateTime.Hour                = 14;
  81.                                                         DateTime.Minute                = 30;
  82.                                                         DateTime.Second                = 0;
  83.                                                         DateTime.MilliSec        = 0;
  84.                                                         DateTime.MicroSec        = 0;

  85.                                                         //KD
  86.                                                         Set_float(pQuotes[ nLastValid ].Open        , demoTest_GetField(2)        );
  87.                                                         Set_float(pQuotes[ nLastValid ].High        , demoTest_GetField(3)        );
  88.                                                         Set_float(pQuotes[ nLastValid ].Low                , demoTest_GetField(4)        );
  89.                                                         Set_float(pQuotes[ nLastValid ].Price        , demoTest_GetField(5)        );
  90.                                                         //pQuotes[ nLastValid ].OpenInterest;
  91.                                                         Set_float(pQuotes[ nLastValid ].Volume        , demoTest_GetField(6)        );
  92.                                                         //pQuotes[ nLastValid ].AuxData1;
  93.                                                         //pQuotes[ nLastValid ].AuxData2;
  94.                                                 }
  95.                                         }
  96.                                 }
  97.                                 return ++nLastValid;
  98.                         }
  99.                 }
  100.         }
  101.         return 0;
  102. }


2330 2019-09-28收盤

2330 2019-09-28收盤


其實這裡並不難,如果收行情那裡就直接用ADK的struct Quotation格式保存了資料


就像行情那裡也是,因為收行情那裡直接用ADK的struct RecentInfo保存資料,

  1. PLUGINAPI struct RecentInfo * GetRecentInfo( LPCTSTR pszTicker )
  2. {
  3.         if (hmDbfTCdll)
  4.         {
  5.                 RecentItemRefer *spRecentRefer = GetRecentItemRefer(pszTicker);
  6.                 if (spRecentRefer)
  7.                         return &(spRecentRefer->spRecentItem->sRecentInfo);
  8.         }
  9.         return NULL;
  10. }

  1. PLUGINAPI struct RecentInfo * GetRecentInfo( LPCTSTR pszTicker )
  2. {
  3.         if (bTickNotify)
  4.         {
  5.                 bTickNotify = false;
  6.                 PostMessage( g_hAmiBrokerWnd, WM_USER_STREAMING_UPDATE, 0, 0 );
  7.         }

  8.         if (hmDbfTCdll)
  9.         {
  10.                 RecentItemRefer *spRecentRefer = GetRecentItemRefer(pszTicker);
  11.                 if (spRecentRefer)
  12.                         return &(spRecentRefer->spRecentItem->sRecentInfo);
  13.         }

  14.         return NULL;
  15. }


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kuolung 發表於 19-1-30 07:31
我那是出考題啊 我只最近被群益的 skcom.dll 害慘了 想回來用 元大的 想說有人已經寫好了 就不用自己傷腦 ...

我還要感謝您提供了群益的 skcom.dll ,讓我可以去玩[API] 群益 API 2.13.9 C# 實作 。這畫面就是美呀,看起來好專業!

群益 API 2.13.9 C# 實作

群益 API 2.13.9 C# 實作
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