2月17號美國有一條新聞報導前高盛員工因竊取公司高頻交易程式源碼(source code)
On his last day of work at New York-based Goldman Sachs in June 2009, Aleynikov uploaded hundreds of thousands of lines of source code from the firm’s high-frequency trading system, prosecutors said. He circumvented Goldman Sachs’s security, sent the code to a server in Germany, compressed and encrypted it, and took it with him to a meeting with new employers in Chicago, the U.S. said. Prosecutors argued Aleynikov wanted it as a “cheat sheet” to start a trading system at his new job. ...... 比較有興趣的是 高盛使用
hundreds of thousands of lines of source code from the firm’s high-frequency trading system 幾十萬行的程式來執行他的高頻交易程式! 應該也是使用接進超級電腦的設備!?來跑程式 比較只用一部筆電或是數核心的桌機來跑程式交易 不知道台股期貨法人交易者是用何系統(軟硬體)? 一般交易人在資金 設備 程式 都不如法人的情況下 想以程式交易與法人交手 恐怕淪為法人點心居多! |