美國最大網上券商盈透證券Interactive Brokers,簡稱IB,在納斯達克上市,股票代碼爲IBKR,可以接入全球100多個交易所及市場中心,來自140多個國家的個人及機構、基金客戶等,可以在單個賬戶裏、單個屏幕上無縫地交易19個國家的股票、期貨、期權、債券、外匯、現貨金銀,以及指數基金ETF、CFD等金融産品,可以多種貨幣形式地配置金融資産。
出于决定顧客賬戶的目的,有相似的名字和名稱的賬戶被合幷在一起,但名稱不同的賬戶不合幷(例如:個人/John Smith和個人退休賬戶/John Smith)。
Securities Investor Protection Corporation
805 15th Street, N.W. - Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20005-2215
電話: (202) 371-8300
傳真: (202) 371-6728
6.1 . 股票賬戶的保護
如果您的股票期貨合約中的倉位是在股票賬戶中承轉的,其將會受到有關用戶資金和股票的SEC 法規的保護。這些法規禁止經紀商/交易商使用用戶的資金和股票進行融資。因此,經紀人/交易人被要求留出與應付給用戶的資金和從用戶處應收的資金之間的差額部分相同數額的資金。這些法規也要求經紀人/交易人將其爲用戶所承轉的已付和超額保證金分開。
證券投資人保護公司也保護股票賬戶中的倉位。SIPC 是由成員經紀商/交易商在1970 年成立的一個非營利、非政府成員公司。其主要角色是,如果持有基金和股票的經紀商/交易商破産,將這些財産歸還給用戶。SIPC 的保險範圍適用于現行(以及以前的,在一些情况下)SIPC 成員的用戶。大多數在SEC 注册的經紀人/交易人是SIPC 成員;那些少數不是SIPC 成員的必須將該等事實向其用戶披露。爲了檢查一個公司是否是SIPC 成員,或者撥打SIPC 成員部門電話(202) 371-8300,或者寫信至SIPC 成員部門,證券投資人保護公司,05 Fifteenth Street, NW, Suite 800,Washington, DC 20005-2215。
SIPC 的保險限額爲每位用戶$500,000,包括高達$100,000 的現金。例如,如果用戶的賬戶中擁有價值爲$200,000 的1,000 股XYZ 股票和$10,000現金,股票和現金餘額都將受到保護。但是,如果用戶的賬戶中擁有價值爲$500,000 的股票和$100,000 現金,僅其中的$500,000 資産會受到保護。
出于SIPC 保險的目的,用戶是指那些出于股票交易目的在SIPC 成員公司擁有股票或現金的人。 SIPC 不會對那些存放在經紀商/交易商處僅爲了獲得利息的用戶資金提供保護。出于SIPC 保險的目的,經紀商/交易商的內部人員,如其所有人、官員以及合夥人不包含在用戶的範圍之內。
How does the aggregate loss limit affect the protection of my account?
IB’s supplementary protection from Lloyd’s of London is subject to an aggregate loss limit of $150 million. This is the maximum amount available to cover IB’s customers in excess of SIPC protection. In the unlikely event of a financial failure of the firm coupled with client assets not being fully recovered, SIPC (or a trustee appointed by the federal courts) would advance funds to each eligible client Because most accounts maintain less than $500,000 in net equity, SIPC protection would cover the large majority of customer assets held by IB. In the extremely unlikely event of a total loss of customer assets, the supplementary protection would be needed to cover a relatively small portion of the total net customer equity held by IB. Although possible, it is improbable that the aggregate loss limit would be reached. However, if the supplementary protection fell short of covering all customer assets, the coverage would be allocated on a pro rata basis to the client accounts that required protection.
福布斯評出11大現金充裕公司 蘋果257億美元居首
美國盈透IB名列第八 美國盈透IB位列證券業現金充裕公司第一
1. 蘋果: 擁有257億美元現金。
2. 埃克森美孚: 擁有254億美元現金。
3. 思科: 擁有231億美元現金。
4. 微軟: 擁有207億美元現金。
5. 輝瑞製藥: 擁有166億美元現金。
6. MetLife: 擁有108億美元現金。
7. 高通公司: 擁有90億美元現金。
8. Interactive Brokers Group: 擁有55億美元現金。
9. 强生: 擁有47億美元現金。
10. 嘉信理財: 擁有46億美元現金。
11. Ameriprise Financial: 擁有42億美元現金。
華爾街的一枝獨秀!2008年美國盈透IB盈報12.5億美元 淨資産44億美元年度增長34%。
IBG Announces Record Earnings for 2008
In a year that has proved difficult for the industry in general, Interactive Brokers Group yesterday reported record earnings for 2008, with pre-tax profits exceeding the billion dollar mark for the first time. Net revenues were $1,850 million and income before income taxes and minority interest was $1,250 million for the year, compared to net revenues of $1,468 million and income before income taxes of $932 million in 2007. In the press release, founder and CEO Thomas Peterffy noted that shareholders' equity of $4.4 billion makes IBG the largest in equity capital among those firms that did not receive government support in the industry, and provides a solid footing on which to keep growing. He attributed IB's notable performance to a continued focus on long term growth, controlling risk and building technology.
For more details, see the Interactive Brokers' Earnings Announcement press release.
INTERACTIVE BROKERS GROUP ANNOUNCES RECORD 2008 RESULTS — — — REPORTS INCOME BEFORE TAXES AND MINORITY INTEREST OF $1.25 BILLION ON $1.85 BILLION IN NET REVENUES, EARNINGS PER SHARE OF $2.24 GREENWICH, CONN, January 22, 2009 — Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. (NASDAQ GS: IBKR) an automated global electronic market maker and broker, today reported diluted earnings per share of $2.24 for the year ended December 31, 2008, compared to pro forma diluted earnings per share of $1.59 in 2007. Net revenues were $1,850 million and income before income taxes and minority interest was $1,250 million for the year, compared to net revenues of $1,468 million and income before income taxes of $932 million in 2007.
Business Highlights
Diluted earnings per share grew by 41% from the prior year. 68% pre-tax margin for 2008 and 63% pre-tax margin for this quarter. Market Making pre-tax income increased 43% from the prior year. 76% Market Making pre-tax margin for 2008. Electronic Brokerage pre-tax income increased 13% from the prior year. 44% Electronic Brokerage pre-tax margin for 2008. Cleared DARTs grew by 46% to 316,000 in 2008.
"2008 was a record year, for the first time our profits have exceeded the billion dollar mark," said Thomas Peterffy, our CEO. "It is not easy to report record profits in a year that has been generally difficult for our industry. Our focus on long term growth, controlling risk and building technology continues to pay dividends, year after year. Our shareholders’ equity of $4.4 billion makes us the largest among those firms that did not receive government support in the industry and it provides us with a solid footing to keep building our business."