
樓主 |
發表於 10-3-19 05:49
IB pipe 專線的服務:
Direct Access means that your order is sent directly to a market center and not through another broker or market center which may slow execution of your order. Broadband connectivity means our pipes are wide so execution of your order will not be slowed by latency problems. We route directly to each exchange through either a T1 or T3 line, the two highest capacity bandwidth connections available
CCASS/3 Fractional T1
HKFE site A primary Fractional T1
HKFE site B primary Fractional T1
HKFE site C primary Fractional T1
HKFE site D primary Fractional T1
Korea Stock Exchange (KSE) T1
Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE.JPN) Fractional E1
SGX via radianz Fractional T1
SEHK AMS/3 primary Fractional E1
Sydney Futures Exchange (SNFE)
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE.JPN)
Fractional E1
特殊快速的驗章方式-----FIX protocol如下:
(我是Interactive-Brokers信徒若有更好的我也可 改 如 openEcry or thinkorswim ?)
IBGateway Software
The IBGateway client allows for FIX CTCI connections to IB over the Internet. It is a piece of software that acts as a bridge between your FIX engine and IB. The software can also be used in place of TWS to deliver market data, using the same protocols as the Trader Workstation APIs. In this scenario, you do not need to have TWS running to get API market data. IBGateway Software and the Users' Guide can be found by clicking the buttons at the bottom of the page. To find the Request Market Data API method click here.
Individuals and Non-Pro advisors that require CTCI integration should send a request to tac@interactivebrokers.com. Professional Advisors, Funds, Trading Groups, and Brokers requiring integration should contact their sales representative. Integration can take up to a week.
Once integration has been completed, please follow the steps in order to load the IB Gateway Software that will allow you to receive market data through our API in conjunction with your CTCI order management connection. |