1. 看的書裡面的圖表越來越少,最後甚至到連一張圖都沒有。有一張圖表都沒有的股票書?有的,像 Trading in the Zone 這本書裡面一張圖都沒有,這是一本講交易心態(trader's mindset)的書。這表示你從技術走向心態,這是成長的標誌。
2. 回首某書中提到的交易技術,發現自己的交易程式可以做得更好。這表示你已經走出自己的路,擁有了屬於自己的獨門功夫。
書本只能提供正確的觀念和交易技術的啟發,真正可以獲利的細節是不可能出現在書本裡的。我很贊同網友 retaildaytrader 的話︰Good traders, funds and firms would not give away how they do business just how Coke isnt going to give you their secret formula. A good trader will never come out publicly and tell you how they do their business. So if you are reading a strategy on a blog then chances are it will not work. No one is going to publish a strategy that is working for them. No one is going to let you in on the inner workings of their profitable enterprise.