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AmiBroker 5.87.0 BETA released

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October 19, 2014
AmiBroker 5.87.0 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 – Regular BETA, pretty stable, should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new beta version (5.87.0) of AmiBroker has just been released.

32-bit version:
(2 388 984 bytes)

64-bit version:
(9 748 608 bytes)

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Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 5.80 or higher from

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.87.0 (as compared to 5.86.0)

    AFL Editor: in-line error reporting use bold font to highlight identifiers in the error messages for better readability
    AFL: GetOption can now read BuyDelay/SellDelay/ShortDelay/CoverDelay which makes it easier to write like this: Ref( Buy, -GetOption(“BuyDelay” );
    AFL: new function: Reverse( array, first = 0, last = -1 ) – returns a new array with the order of the elements in specified range reversed
    AFL: new function: Sort( array, first = 0, last = -1 ) – sort a numerical array in ascending order starting from ‘first’ element ending at ‘last’ element. If ‘last’ is not specified or negative then AmiBroker will use BarCount – 1
    AFL: new function: StrSort( “item,list,to,be,sorted”, caseSensitive = True, separator = ‘,’ ) – perform sorting of comma-separated string (case sensitive/insensitive, separator definable!)
    AFL: new function: StrTrim( “string”, “targets”, side = 3 ) – a function to trim extra characters (specified in “targets”) from either left (1), right(2) or both(3) sides of the string. If “targets” parameter is an empty string, then function trims whitespaces (i.e. space, tab, newline)
    AFL: StrExtract has now extra parameter allowing to specify separator character, example StrExtract(“This;Is;Semicolon;Separated”, 3, ‘;’ );
    AFL: StrMid( “string”, start, count ) now allows to skip “count” parameter. If you skip count, then a substring starting from ‘start’ to the end of the string will be returned.
    AFL/Charts: added ability to control number of decimals in chart value labes via GraphLabelDecimals variable (example, adding GraphLabelDecimals = 2; to the formula would give you value lables with 2 decimal places
    Removed old-style Graph3*, Graph4*, Graph5*, Graph6*, Column3, 4, 5, 6 identifiers from auto-complete lists (only 0..2 left)
    Report Explorer: Edit->Copy now copies selection only (not entire table)


參與人數 2金錢 +7 收起 理由
lwhuang + 2 感謝分享
kilroy + 5 感謝分享,大大手腳超快~


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