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發表於 14-11-22 22:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
發現 MultiCharts 另一麻煩問題,就是技術指標資訊顯會示在圖表上,我的圖表設定使除了用陰陽燭外,還有平均線高低價,保歷加通道,每項最少20種參數,加起來一幅圖表最少有60樣術指標資訊顯示在圖表上,請問有沒有方法可以隱藏這些資訊?謝謝大家幫忙!

發表於 14-11-23 00:20 | 顯示全部樓層
In Format study of that indicator, the style of the plotting can be selected as "invisible" and that indicator will not be plotted on the chart.


參與人數 1金錢 +1 收起 理由
JimmyHK + 1 感謝分享


 樓主| 發表於 14-11-23 10:58 | 顯示全部樓層

另外想請教指標為什麼都沒中線和 Moving Average的,很多免費即時報價圖表軟件如 investing . com 都有,但 MultiCharts要用錢買的為什麼沒提供?有沒有方法可以加上去?如果是自己加上去的 Moving Average,cross over訊號能否顯示在程度交易中並且被執行?有需要自行另外再寫過一個新的指標內建 Moving Average 的嗎?

發表於 14-11-23 12:12 | 顯示全部樓層
It is easy if you add it by yourself. For some indicators such as RSI, when it was first introduced to market, there is no moving average in it. Moving average was added later.

if you use auto trade, you should code a 'signal', not indicator, in which you may call the RSI function to get the indicator value, get the moving average, or further get the macd value. your trading signal should be more complicated, such as rsi > 80 and then < 80 AND macd < signal, and short term moving average < longer term moving average, ...

do you use regular multichart, or multichart .net, and which broker you will connect?
 樓主| 發表於 14-11-24 20:52 | 顯示全部樓層
wanwh 發表於 14-11-23 12:12
It is easy if you add it by yourself. For some indicators such as RSI, when it was first introduced  ...

請問用什麼方法可以在指標內加上 moving average?

我是用 regular multichart,暫時未開始程式交易,打算用IB.
發表於 14-11-24 21:53 | 顯示全部樓層
I am using Multichart 8.0 and I have to amend the script of an indicator to show it's moving average as the source of the indicator must be a intrument.

But I know starting from Multichart 8.8,  the source of an indicator can also be an indicator such that you should add a moving average easily in it, no need to update the script.

Other experts please correct me if I am wrong.
 樓主| 發表於 14-11-26 00:49 | 顯示全部樓層
wanwh 發表於 14-11-24 21:53
I am using Multichart 8.0 and I have to amend the script of an indicator to show it's moving average ...

謝謝回應!現在只是停留在測試 Multichart 9.0試用版階段,看看軟件是否能做到我要求的效果,如果要修改程式碼對我來說是件大工程了,暫時未有能力做到這個,有沒有一些網上資源分享可以提供有 moving average 的指標如%R,CCI,RSI,Mtm,DMI等等供下載的?
發表於 14-11-26 01:55 | 顯示全部樓層
You may search it in internet.

Even if you can get the code in easy language, you still have to import to Multichart and compile the study.
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