本帖最後由 mewmi 於 14-12-31 13:01 編輯
harvey 發表於 14-12-31 12:55
M大.........請問一下 MC語法.....感恩感恩就是阿.........在K線圖上面 經過邏輯判斷後 想要移除已經標示 ...
好吧.. 反正方向對了... 就剪貼一下吧....
Removes a text object with the specified ID number from a chart; returns a value of 0 if the object was successfully removed, and a value of -2 if the specified object ID number is invalid.
Where: ObjectID - a numerical expression specifying the object ID number
Notes An object-specific ID number is returned by Text_New when the text object is created.
ExampleRemove the text object with an ID number of 3:
要放假了... 來找偶呀........
差點漏了這個... 又是線又是文字的XD ............
Removes a specified plot from the current bar. A conditional plot that is already drawn will remain even if the conditions become no longer true before the bar is closed. NoPlot can be used to remove the conditional plot from the current bar if the conditions are no longer true.
Where: PlotNumber - a numerical expression specifying the plot number; plot numbers range from 1 to 999
ExampleThe example below uses NoPlot remove the PlotPaintBar plot "painted" over the chart bars for which the High price is no longer less then the High price of the previous bar:
If High<High[1] Then Begin
Else Begin
Without NoPlot, chart bars for which a High price was initially less then the High price of the previous bar would remain partially ainted� even if a High price equal to or greater then the High price of the previous bar was reached before the bar was closed.