關於Tradestation 9.1 中的TradeManager
本帖最後由 3rnie 於 13-3-18 23:30 編輯各位前輩好,晚輩第一次發帖,如果有違規還請原諒,謝謝!
1. 請問附件中Position(1)跟 Strategy Position(2)的部位為什麼不一樣?
2. Open P/L(3)為什麼不等於Total Strategy Profit and Loss(2)?
3. 另外某個Representative說Position Match中:Purple indicates that there is a potential problem where you may have an open order on a strategy position that the strategy did not send or there was a communication issue after the order was sent.那不就表示我的自動下單出問題了。那我是不是該去Formate Strategy的哪裡設定?