hangye 發表於 13-8-2 16:47

chart 关闭以后还能找到吗

chart不小心关闭了,还能找到恢复吗,不是default chart

zaqimon 發表於 13-8-3 11:11

C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker\Formulas\Custom
C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker\Formulas\Drag-drop

Winson 發表於 13-8-3 13:53

要注意Drap-drop folder 是隱形的

joshsmi 發表於 13-8-3 22:20

Winson 發表於 13-8-3 13:53 static/image/common/back.gif
要注意Drap-drop folder 是隱形的


To make drag&drop folder visible within AmiBroker: Tools>Preferences>AFL and at the bottom check "Show hidden folders". Then it is visible in "Charts" sidebar.

I think your old layout is gone once AmiBroker is closed since auto-save is checked by default.

But next time:
Save your chart(s) as a local or global layout and give it a name (or save it as default).

Uncheck Auto-save Layouts in Tools>Preferences>Miscellaneous.

Et voila once you accidentally close a chart or a pane just double click your created layout again and it will be restored. Just create a test layout.

If you make changes to your layout that you wanna keep in the future then you have to right-click your layout and click "Save" every time since auto-save is deactivated.

If you check auto-save layouts in tools-preferences then all layouts are auto-saved before/during shutdown of AmiBroker or during switching to different layouts. So if you don't want auto-save being active then un-check it in Tools>Preferences>Miscellaneous.

hangye 發表於 13-8-10 13:12

Very thank you Sir

keymaker 發表於 13-9-7 20:15

see page 56 of user's guide..(about layout)
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