請問WIN7 64bit家用進階版有人正常裝上TS2000i嗎??
我是TS新手,最近將新NB(作業系統WIN7 64bit家用進階版)辛苦的裝上TS2000i,可惜造成IE8 32bit無法開新視窗連線,殘念~~請問有網友解決這個問題嗎??
PS.因效率問題不想升級專業版採用XP模式 TradeStation早就已經不賣軟體,轉型當Broker
所以,TS2000i是不能在64bit上跑的... 以上所寫,是兩三年前得知
如果你用的是XX版,大概是只能在32bit上跑 回復 1# sam999
請問你裝707 822 or ? 回復 3# 一覽眾山小
我目前在WIN7 64bit家用進階版都可以正常跑,連hypertools也可跑只是需要犧牲IE8 32bit
剛發現一個問題,就是K棒轉檔機不能在64bit上跑會出現"出現 Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 提供者並未登錄於本機電腦上的問題",Google了一下看起來不太妙無法解決 回復sam999
請問你裝707 822 or ?
TrendRover 發表於 10-5-11 08:59 PM http://www.coco-in.net/images/common/back.gif
707 822是指???不太懂
我是裝Prosuit 2000i 回復 6# sam999
822是sp5的 release No. , 關於我一點就有 ! 回復 7# TrendRover
您好,我查了一下是ProSuite 2000i Version: 5.00.0707
Thanks^^ 822會比較穩 822會比較穩
TrendRover 發表於 10-5-12 03:10 PM http://coco-in.net/images/common/back.gif
另即時資料如metaserver 或TSTW可以順利在WIN7 64位元筆電跑嗎?? 自己 BT找 但要 anti-virus 先少!!
我還沒用 XP mode莊 ,我想有人service 的 MC當賺 錢工具會優於 TS ,
賺到錢 ,service付費是可接受 !! 本帖最後由 TrendRover 於 10-5-27 02:02 PM 編輯
把 strategyrun到賺錢後 用 MC 5.5 or 6.0 chinese version and touchance or fee-based
market-data offered (automatic backfilled in MC ----- it is very convenient for us to keep away from
manaully load data ) .
正常時 若你 strategy profitable and trading frequently ,then your volume could ask
some 期商 like 統一 ( hunter ) to cover some fee of touchance ( Hunter had introduced
touchance's offer once on CoCo -in , please contact him to talk about touchance to work with MC ) . 目前 touchance 上無法 上 Win 7 64 bit,
but I don't think it's a big issue .
After touchance could upgrade for win764 bit , then MC ( use the all 8 core cpu to run )could offer you the 64 bit and 8 core performance of i7 cpu !! I am sorry to type by englich , because I bought a 7071 ans sold out at 7076 ,then
when I eat lunch with my dad and back ,it's 72XX now .
I am not pitty about this kind of action , but I mustbe watching the retracement's
depth now , it'simportant for the Friday's night fever of USA and all world's market
to run up ! 收盤了 ,可以好好打了 .
用MC 加上 Interactivebrokers 可直接下單 又有回報 ,早已說過 ,
當然 若要實驗 Safir neuroshell or kwikpop or alot of plugin module of tradestation ,
那真的要 用 TS 作實驗 ------實驗 而已,非得 64 bit 嗎 ?