george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 09:15

kilroy 前輩
Please save me out of the question.

kilroy 發表於 11-3-4 09:36

And How to save the real time data after the end of day?????
and conbine the data for each ...
george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 08:55 AM

如果要讓realtime data 在收盤之後都存下來,以及歷史資料都在的話

必須使用 DDE 餵資料給 amiBroker 的方式才可以喔


用 ABTW 的話就是每天都要重複同樣的動作

1. 收盤後下載期交所資料與歷史資料合併
2. 開盤前匯入歷史資料


george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 10:29

可是my realtime data seems can not save.
Just like today I open the same database but yesterday the realtime data see nothing.
I am using the AB 5.30RCversion, is it anything wrong.

moneymaker 發表於 11-3-4 11:46

試用版資料是無法儲存的, 您不會是在用測試版吧

eclife 發表於 11-3-4 12:41

只要是用ABTW的話 一打開AB 就會清光所有歷史資料

george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 13:17

Oh, Actually I'm not play 測試版
Maybe the one I get which is not 解 clearily. Just workable better than 測試版
Sorry to ask you that do you know which AB version of this function is working perfectily.
I gona google for this version and than test it.

moneymaker 發表於 11-3-4 13:37


george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 13:41

Another question ofthe ABTW collect the data via 群益贏家策略王 API, But the price quote and volume of AB data seems a little bit differ from群益贏家策略王 price quote and volume. Is it time lag of "AB's problem" or "群益贏家策略王 API problem" or " ABTW " problem, sorry to say that to the "ABTW" 's creator, Maybe the "ABTW" 's creator forget some parameter of API or something, If possible I wish that I have chance to 請益 "ABTW" 's creator, why the difference between the "AB" andthe "群益贏家策略王看盤price quote and volume"

Thanks a lot

And thank you 木川 Sir.

george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 13:47

Thank you moneymaker
You let me 破功 but let me got the answer.

Thanks again

But I think uknowfor certain which version workable for realtime saving.

george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 13:57

Hi moneymaker:
You can tell me sececily. I promise won't tell anyone.

george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 14:02

I still not 幻滅
I still evalue the AB but need longer time to test it.

george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 14:08

How about v5.0 v5.2 or..........v4.8...


george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 14:15


george.ct 發表於 11-3-4 15:21

本帖最後由 george.ct 於 11-3-4 04:55 PM 編輯


wldtw2008 發表於 11-3-4 21:57

本帖最後由 wldtw2008 於 11-3-4 10:00 PM 編輯


But the price quote and volume of AB data seems a little bit differ from群益贏家策略王 price quote and volume.


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