本帖最後由 boy999961 於 18-9-7 14:24 編輯
03-SEP-18 AUG18 Rithmic CME BUNDLD USD 15.00
03-SEP-18 R | API + Usage Fee - Aug18 - AMPMC.NET USD 20.00
03-SEP-18 Rithmic Trader Pro Aug18 Usage Fee USD 20.00
03-SEP-18 R | API + Usage Fee - Aug18 -MultiCharts USD 20.00
Rithmic Pro $20的費用在申請DataFeed時有特別告知沒什麼問題
(03:48:13 PM) *** AMP | Daniel joined the chat ***
(03:49:44 PM) Me: What kind of fee I will be charged when I use Rithmic Pro Datafeed?
(03:53:44 PM) Me: Exactly, What I use is MultiCharts .NET64 with Rithmic DataFeed?
(03:54:00 PM) AMP | Daniel: using Multicharts and RTrader Pro
(03:54:08 PM) AMP | Daniel: that will incur 2 20 dollar API fee
(03:54:15 PM) AMP | Daniel: plus your exchange data fee
(03:55:22 PM) Me: Is there any alternatives from those API fee?
(03:57:15 PM) Me: I didn't get this information before and they are out of my budgets.
(04:03:43 PM) Me: Is anyone here?
(04:12:24 PM) AMP | Daniel: sorry for delay
(04:12:34 PM) AMP | Daniel: you can request to switch to CQG
(04:12:41 PM) AMP | Daniel: which charges no API monthly fee
(04:15:13 PM) Me: How about changing to API rather than API+?
(04:15:53 PM) Me: Change API+ to API?
(04:16:43 PM) AMP | Daniel: we do not control this
(04:16:48 PM) AMP | Daniel: this is on Rithmic's end
(04:17:29 PM) AMP | Daniel: regular API with Rithmic is 99 monthly
(04:17:53 PM) Me: 20
(04:19:10 PM) Me: Let me make sure that
(04:20:12 PM) Me: Rithmic with MultiCharts will be charged 20+20+20 monthly?
(04:20:28 PM) AMP | Daniel: are you using full version of MC
(04:20:33 PM) AMP | Daniel: and MC.net?
(04:20:40 PM) Me: MC.net
(04:21:14 PM) Me: What's different between them?
(04:21:28 PM) AMP | Daniel: Rithmic billed you 2 20 dollar fee
(04:21:41 PM) AMP | Daniel: there is full version of MC
(04:21:49 PM) AMP | Daniel: as well where you purchase directly on MC
(04:22:25 PM) Me: 2 20 dollar fee for full MC?
(04:22:42 PM) AMP | Daniel: Multicharts 30
(04:22:49 PM) AMP | Daniel: Multicharts.net 20
(04:22:52 PM) AMP | Daniel: sorry 20
(04:23:49 PM) Me: So what's the price different between MC and MC.net?
(04:23:58 PM) AMP | Daniel: MC.net is free version
(04:24:09 PM) AMP | Daniel: you have to lease or purchase full version
(04:25:28 PM) Me: Is there diffence in monthly fee?
(04:25:51 PM) Me: I want to make sure that
(04:26:32 PM) AMP | Daniel: I you would no like those monthly api fee
(04:26:40 PM) AMP | Daniel: I suggest switching to CQG
(04:27:08 PM) Me: Is any difference in monthly fee between MC and MC.net?
(04:27:41 PM) AMP | Daniel: MC.net is a free platform
(04:27:47 PM) AMP | Daniel: so no monthly platform fee
(04:28:31 PM) Me: Does MC.net is free from API fee?
(04:28:42 PM) AMP | Daniel: no
(04:28:43 PM) AMP | Daniel: it is not
(04:29:31 PM) Me: So the api fee is the same whatever the platform I use?
(04:34:28 PM) AMP | Daniel: correct
Rithmic只要連結MC就會被多收API 40美元的費用