請投給TRENDROVER ,當地球總統!!
來信摘要 : 終止詐騙成長
來信內容 :
詐騙賄款若不會被立即領走 則警追回匯款的成效將提高數倍
金資中心不必鎖住任何匯入款 只要防止30分內匯入款的再匯出及被現金提領.
中心的程式能力須保證 不干擾正常或約定的經濟活動,方法是有資金生意往來的人在銀行端簽匯出款不需鎖住的切結書 . 但全部老人家均應內定由程式做鎖定 .
if anybody request his money wire out transfer must delay 1~2 days to be re-transfered out from his destination account , I think government must portect people's properties(請讀憲法條文) ,Central computer center of 金資中心 has no rights to reject his request !!
I had request 阿扁政府對此作處理 ,得到金資中心以要花太多錢作拒絕 .
But people in Taiwan suffer a lot of money loss , I hate 阿扁政府's response like that people's money is not money ,only government's money is money .
Now I vote Mr. Mar , and I request 金資中心 to re-think this kind of improvement , please help all old people to protect their retired money .
I am old IT designer I suggest 金資中心 程式師 :
I know economics problem is big enough ,but keeping money not flow into 詐騙集團 will help our economics too !!
一個老爸錢被騙的人 |