Time & Sales information is used by professional traders to monitor the current price movements at its most detailed level. Time & Sales shows each individual trade as it occurs, and is displayed as a scrolling list. Time & Sales shows the exact price that each trade occurs at, and also whether the trade occurred at the bid or ask. This information shows whether there are currently more buyers or sellers, and also what prices they are buying and selling at. Also, Time & Sales shows the amount of volume that each trade includes (the number of contracts that were traded). This shows whether there are more contracts being bought or sold, and at which prices the largest amounts of volume are trading.
Incorrect settings for CQG futures root GF – the May month (K) was missing.
DOM was not correctly displayed for CQG futures with root JY6.
Time in Force settings would become corrupted for Mb Trading when connecting broker profile. More info here - http://www.multicharts.com/discu ... amp;p=58721#p58695.
Accounts would be switched on some workspaces when several accounts were available from Mb Trading. More info here -http://www.multicharts.com/discu ... amp;t=11553#p60717.