/*An MACD, Signal Cross is, in general, a bullish Signal.
Since it comes with a significant delay, it would be important to anticipate this Cross. Some days before the Cross, we often see an MACD turning point. It is interesting to investigate the related conditions AND use them before the end of the session.
The following AFL code will give the necessary next ROC for a higher MACD value.*/
//The probable Cross between MACD AND its Signal, by D. Tsokakis, Feb2005
function EMAn ( Cnext , r3)
return ( 2 * Cnext + ( r3 - 1 ) * EMA ( C , r3 ) ) / ( r3 + 1 ) ;
function MACDn ( Cnext , r1 , r2 )
return EMAn ( Cnext ,r1 ) - EMAn ( Cnext , r2 ) ;
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
det = 500 ;
perc = 25/100 ;
Clast = SelectedValue ( C ) ;
det = 500 ;
perc = 25/100 ;
Clast = SelectedValue ( C ) ;
MACDlast = SelectedValue(MACD());
SIGNALlast = SelectedValue ( Signal ( ) );
Cnextmin = ( 1 - perc ) * Clast ;Cnextmax = ( 1 + perc ) * Clast ;
step = ( Cnextmax - Cnextmin ) / det ;
nextROC1 = -100 * perc ;
nextROC2 = -100 * perc ;
for ( Cnext = Cnextmin ; Cnext <= Cnextmax ; Cnext = Cnext + step )
X = MACDn ( Cnext , 12 , 26 ) ;
Y = EMA ( X , 9 ) ;
MACDnext = SelectedValue ( X );
SIGNALnext = SelectedValue ( Y );
NextROC = 100 * ( -1 + Cnext / Clast ) ;
NextROC0 = 100 * ( -1 + Cnext / Clast ) ;
if ( macdnext < SignalLAST )
NextROC1 = NextROC ;
if ( MACDnext < MACDlast )
nextROC2 = nextROC0;
//Plot ( 0 ,"", colorBlack ,styleDashed ) ;
Plot (nextROC1 ,"", colorRed) ;
Plot ( nextROC2 ,"", colorGreen ) ;
请教程式如何改 才能得到每日的nextROC1和nextROC2