今天凌晨正要就寢之際,發現我的 Linode node 竟然死掉了...
不久之後,收到一個 "偵測到我的 Linode node 實際硬體"出問題的 ticket ... 這時我想關機也關不掉 ...
- Hello,
- Our administrators have detected an issue affecting the physical hardware your Linode resides on. We're working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and will update this ticket as soon as we have more information.
- Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.
- Regards,
- Jonathan
所以,我也回覆一個 ticket,請他們幫忙我關機 ... 雖然折騰了十幾分鐘,但總算能把 Linode node 機器順利關機,並重新啟動恢復正常運轉 ...
- Hello,
- We have resolved the issue at this time, and your Linode will return to its last state shortly (running or powered off). There is no need to issue boot jobs for your Linode at this time.
- Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please feel free to update this ticket in the event that you have any additional questions or concerns about this matter.
- Regards,
- Jonathan