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[工具] AmiBroker 5.85.0 BETA released

發表於 14-10-5 10:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
October 4, 2014AmiBroker 5.85.0 BETA releasedStability: – Regular BETA, pretty stable, should work fine in most environments
This is a BETA version. Make a backup first
A new beta version (5.85.0) of AmiBroker has just been released.
32-bit version:
(2 328 080 bytes)
64-bit version:
(9 734 360 bytes)
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Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 5.80 or higher from

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.85.0 (as compared to 5.84.0)
  • AFL Editor: backtest* mode constants added to auto-complete list
  • AFL Editor: now Code snippets are available in auto complete list (type @ plus first letter of snippet key trigger), and even without auto complete activated @keytrigger is replaced by snippet text
  • AFL: added support for single-character literals, so you don’t need to use Asc() funciton.
  • AFL: adding/removing symbols to/from watch list via CategoryAddSymbol/CategoryRemoveSymbol wasn’t thread safe. Fixed.
  • AFL: AmiBroker now checks number passed to SetOption(“MaxOpenPosition”, x ) and SetOption(“WorstRankHeld”,x ) and trims down the request to number of symbols in database to prevent running out of memory when user specifies some absurdly high values,
  • AFL: new function SendEmail( “subject”, “message”, ShowUI = False )
  • AFL: SetOption(“MarginRequirement”, x ) checks if x is in the range 1..100 and displays an error if not.
  • Backtest: backtestRegular now keeps detailed info on sequencing of signals within single bar to avoid problems with premature exit of just opened trade when same bar exits were allowed and previous trade was not open due to insuffcient funds leaving an unmatched exit signal.
  • Code Snippets: added “Properties” button to the toolbar that allows editing name/description/key trigger without re-inserting snippet
  • Code Snippets: New snippet/Properties dialog is now resizable
  • UI: changed cursor shape in all tree views from “hand” to normal arrow
  • UI: Code snippet window is now also available when AFL editor is in MDI mode (use Window->Code Snippet menu when AFL editor is open)
  • UI: Interpretation window: Ctrl+C (clipboard copy) did not copy the interpretation text in 5.8x. Fixed.


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發表於 14-10-5 19:39 | 顯示全部樓層


參與人數 2金錢 +4 收起 理由
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