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AmiBroker 6.17.0 BETA released

發表於 16-10-6 09:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
October 5, 2016
AmiBroker 6.17.0 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 – Regular BETA, pretty stable, should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new beta version (6.17.0) of AmiBroker has just been released.

32-bit version:
(2 250 664 bytes)

64-bit version:
(10 456 400 bytes)

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IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members’ only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.

This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after October 5, 2014. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

NOTE: This version works both as fresh first-time install and as in-place upgrade. Previous installation (if any) is detected and setup switches into ‘upgrade’ mode. Don’t worry, your charts, formulas, etc won’t be affected by the upgrade.

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.10 or higher from

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.17.0 (as compared to 6.16.0)

  • New Batch processor – allows to define sequences of scans/explorations/backtests/optimizations using different project files that are then run automatically. Detailed instructions on how to use Batch window are here
  • AFL: Changed default number formatting string from “%g” to “%.7g” (so 7 significant digits are now displayed instead of 6)
  • AFL: new function GetFnDataForeign( “field”, “symbol” ) – the same as GetFnData but retrieves non-current symbol’s data
  • AFL: new function InternetClose( handle )
  • AFL: new function InternetOpenURL( “url” )
  • AFL: new function InternetReadString( handle ) – read a string (line) from internet resource
  • AFL: printf/StrFormat/TRACEF support now “%s” (string specifier) and accept string arguments passed and made faster too
  • Data: Gics.txt classification updated (thanks to PremiumData)
  • OLE Automation: individual backtest is now supported via OLE automation
  • OLE: Interval property of Document object is now writable so you can set chart interval from OLE
  • Startup is made faster
  • UI: AFL Editor MDI UI did not get immediate refresh after file name change when main window was in modal state due to the way how MFC works. Fixed.
  • UI: File->Database Settings, default maximum “number of bars” increased to 1 million
  • UI: New Analysis Settings submenu is now duplicated in main window Analysis->Options menu for easier access for beginners
  • Watch window: added support for modulo (%) operator in watches


參與人數 2金錢 +4 收起 理由
lwhuang + 2 batch好像很酷
distagon + 2 感謝分享


發表於 16-11-3 22:19 | 顯示全部樓層
If End-Of-File has been reached, the function returns empty string ("")
If End-of-File has NOT been reached, the function always returns non-empty string because each line read by this function ends with new line character "\n",
so if server has sent empty line it will be read as "\n"
You can trim new line characters using StrTrim

Internet* functions open wide area of applications including:
1. querying web APIs for extra data
2. using web/rest APIs for communication ( sending messages/alerts to Twitter, SMS gateways, etc)


ih = InternetOpenURL( "" );
printf( "AAPL Revenue:\n" );
if( ih )
     while( ( str = InternetReadString( ih ) ) != "" )
         printf( "%s", str );
     InternetClose( ih );
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