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AmiBroker 6.19.0 BETA released

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December 16, 2016
AmiBroker 6.19.0 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 – Regular BETA, pretty stable, should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new beta version (6.19.0) of AmiBroker with Batch scheduler and 19 other new features and improvements has just been released.

32-bit version:
(2 291 952 bytes)

64-bit version:
(10 468 224 bytes)

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This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after December 15, 2014. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

NOTE: This version works both as fresh first-time install and as in-place upgrade. Previous installation (if any) is detected and setup switches into ‘upgrade’ mode. Don’t worry, your charts, formulas, etc won’t be affected by the upgrade.

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.10 or higher from

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.19.0 (as compared to 6.18.0)

  • Batch Scheduler implemented (Tools->Scheduler) – integrated tool to schedule automated runs of your batches
  • Batch: ExportWalkForward command added
  • Batch: Pause command added
  • AFL: GetOption supports all fields available in SetOption call
  • AFL: new function: AddMultiTextColumn – adds a text column to the exploration where text displayed is choosen based on array value
  • AFL: new function: MxSum – calculates sum of all elements of matrix (grand sum)
  • AFL: StDev added support for variable period (faster and more accurate than formula-based solutions)
  • AFL: Title now accepts {{VOLUME}} and {{FULLNAME}} special tokens that get replaced by current volume and full name of the symbol. Example Title = “{{VOLUME}}”;
  • AFL: updated text of Error 62 message to list newly supported sequence %s
  • AFL: variable period Sum() now returns NULL if range is greater than current bar index (previously returned partial sum)
  • Analysis: WalkForward settings including IS/OS dates are no longer global, they are now per-project and saved in APX file
  • ASCII importer: added $RAWCLOSE2AUX1 and $RAWCLOSE2AUX2 commands that allow to put raw close into aux1/aux2 fields when using ADJCLOSE in ‘close’ field
  • Changed wording to “Free upgrade period expired.” (from “License expired”)
  • Date/Time fields in XML files now use ISO format always (not regional format), for better file exchangability accross regions
  • Debugger: Watch window: added ability to display values of static variables in watch window – just append ‘$’ (dollar) prefix before static variable name
  • Default report chart dimensions (new instals) increased to 800x480px
  • On HiDPI (>=150dpi) screens icons in menus were small, now they are bigger
  • On HiDPI screens XYCharts and MonteCarlo charts could have axis labels partially truncated depending on choosen font size. Now it is fixed.
  • UI: Performance Monitor shows now the number of static variables used and the amount of memory consumed by them (Tools->Performance Monitor)
  • UI: Plugin data access time is now displayed with microsecond precision
  • UI: Symbol and interval combo boxes in toolbar are made larger on HiDPI screens


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