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AmiBroker 6.20 BETA released

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January 27, 2017
AmiBroker 6.20 BETA released

Stability: Rank 4 – pretty stable, should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new beta version (6.20.0) of AmiBroker, the last one before official version, with plenty of new features and improvements has just been released.

32-bit version:
(2 296 880 bytes)

64-bit version:
(10 473 784 bytes)

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This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after January 27, 2015. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

NOTE: This version works both as fresh first-time install and as in-place upgrade. Previous installation (if any) is detected and setup switches into ‘upgrade’ mode. Don’t worry, your charts, formulas, etc won’t be affected by the upgrade.

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.10 or higher from

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.20.0 (as compared to 6.19.0)

  • AFL: new function GetExtraDataForeign – the same as GetExtraData but works with user-specified ticker instead of current one
  • AFL: ShellExecute supports “runbatch” command. After running batch batch and analysis windows that were opened by batch are automatically closed
  • Batch: new command DataPluginCmd – calls data plugin DataPluginCmd function (if it is exported from your data DLL) – allows custom actions to be peformed by the plugin from the batch (like maintenance)
  • Batch: new command ExecuteAndWait – allows to execute external program and wait for its completion (allows among other things launching AmiQuote download and waiting until it is complete)
  • New Analysis: changed forced refresh frequency of result list to every 250ms when analysis is in progress (since 6.16 when messaging system has changed it was refreshed “on idle”)
  • New Analysis: when user specified symbol with NO quotes at all as a reference symbol AND used “last N days” range AND used Exploration then it would lead to crash. Protection implemented against this scenario.
  • OLE: AnalysisDoc.Export supports now extra (optional) parameter WhatToExport and it allows now to export not only result list but also walkforward tab Analysis.Export(“file”, 1 );
  • UI: In 64 bit version File Dialog was not resizable due to differences in Microsoft runtime. Now it is made resizable.


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