樓主: Sirius

AmiBroker 5.60.3 official release

發表於 12-12-28 19:46 | 顯示全部樓層
recursive #include_once之前會hang住現在正常了
之前的thick line感覺怪怪的現在也正常了
發表於 12-12-30 00:24 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 joshsmi 於 12-12-30 00:28 編輯
sdnian 發表於 12-12-28 17:03
我個人想法是這樣... AB 會有什麼功能, 完全由作者一個人主觀的意思來決定, 當作者不認為某項功能是有需 ...

What you say in regards to IAB is nonsense


Also read this (to the VERY END of document):
htt p://w

With default settings AmiBroker attempts to backfill not 5 days but *30* (THIRTY) days
and that is 6 times more than IB capability per single request (IB allows only 5 days in one request).
To get 30 days program needs to split it into 6 requests.
So if you are comparing to 5-day only backfill you are comparing apples to oranges.
So you would  need to change backfill length to 5 days in the plugin status menu
as explained in the document referenced above.

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko


Precisely. If you actually read API docs:

you would see what are the limits of backfill and that they are set by IB, not AmiBroker.

See the table in the document pointed out above. 2000 seconds is maximum
backfill length when timeslice duration is 1 second (finest available @ IB).
Therefore you can not get more than 2000 seconds in one request when
your database is set to Base time interval of "Tick".

The only way to get more than 1 day of backfill data is to use base time interval of 1-minute.

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko

Error 162 is "Historical market Data Service error message."

It means that something is wrong on TWS/IB end (i.e. with their historical server).
You may be not connected or you may be facing IB throttling.

As I wrote many times on this list TWS has *fixed* limit of 1 backfill at a time.
It can not be worked around.This is hardcoded in TWS

Therefore you need to ask for data once at a time.

Best procedure is as to run AB before market open, put the symbols you need
into Real-time Quote window, click with RIGHT mouse button over plugin status
window and select "Backfill All RTQ symbols", this will step through all
rt quote window symbols once at a time at backfill them all.
If you experience problems with pacing violation you may also go to File->Database Settings, click "Configure" and turn OFF "automatic backfill on first data access".

As written here:
htt p:/ / w

If you switch "automatic backfill on first data access" option off, you will still be able to backfill data for current symbol or all symbols in real-time quote window list usign appropriate menu options from plugin status menu.

Backfill Current option allows to force backfill of currently selected symbol, while Backfill All RTQ symbols allow to force backfill of all symbols listed in Real-Time Quote window. Backfill of multiple symbols is performed sequentially (one at a time) due to limitations of TWS.

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko

etc. etc

Also read here w
And if you should have problems ask support at Amibroker. They reply pretty fast.

And this is by Interactive Brokers:

All of the API technologies support historical data requests. However, requesting the same historical data in a short period of time can cause extra load on the backend and subsequently cause pacing violations. The error code and message that indicates a pacing violation is:

162 - Historical Market Data Service error message: Historical data request pacing violation

The following conditions can cause a pacing violation:

Making identical historical data requests within 15 seconds;

Making six or more historical data requests for the same Contract, Exchange and Tick Type within two seconds.

Also, observe the following limitation when requesting historical data:

Do not make more than 60 historical data requests in any ten-minute period.

發表於 12-12-30 00:41 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 joshsmi 於 12-12-30 00:46 編輯

and another quote

All applications using IB / TWS are subject to these limitations.  
The fact that as you say "other just works" is caused by the fact that they never allow you to make more than one request per 10 seconds. AmiBroker on the other hand allows to send more than one request in 10 second. Advantage is that you can get data quicker (for first 60 requests). Disadvantage is that IB will send you throttling error after doing 60 requests. From my point of view it is more important to get first 60 request quicker. But if you only care about "just works" I can add a special mode that will prohibit doing more than one request within 10 seconds. This will slow down backfill to the level of "other" applications but will prevent from getting throttling error.

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko

So send a request to support if you have bought it. Have you?
發表於 12-12-30 09:54 | 顯示全部樓層
joshsmi 發表於 12-12-30 00:41
and another quote

不知道你想要說什麼? 你有仔細看我說的內容嗎?
既然你提到 AB support... 那我就再針對這個來說.. 沒錯, 如果有問題, 發 email 去問, 通常很快就會收到回覆. 但這不表示問題能得到解決! 我用 AB 好幾次當掉, 問了 support 幾次, 他根本不關心真正的問題在哪裡, 反正就叫你刪掉某些檔案.. 是沒錯, 刪掉他說的檔案之後, AB 就能再正常運作. 但問題依然存在, 之後還是會再當掉! ... 後來只好自己想辨法..
發表於 12-12-30 21:07 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 joshsmi 於 12-12-30 21:11 編輯

sdnian, if possible please translate your specific problem into English because I don't really understand what you mean. So maybe then I could send it to their support myself (or even could give a simple solution although I'm just a customer myself). Thanks
發表於 12-12-30 22:31 | 顯示全部樓層
為了避免有人誤解, 我特別說明一下.. 前面我只是陳述我個人對 AB 在某些地方的看法. 也許看起來好像是在批評 AB.. 但我個人還是認為 AB 是很優秀的軟體! 只是天底下很少有完美的東西, 任何事物, 難免都會有缺點.
發表於 12-12-30 23:59 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 joshsmi 於 12-12-31 00:02 編輯

sdnian, but what is the problem (bug?) your were facing?
For example you said there is a problem with Interactive Brokers. What is the problem?

You said you did address a problem to support. What problem?

Then you mentioned a crash (caused by the same problem?). Is that correct? Again what was causing it? What AFL did cause it? What dll? What AB version?

Could you please describe the problem in English, because I'm using Google translator and it is not very good one. Maybe I could help you out then.

On  side note I have asked many questions to support myself and so far 90% of the problems have been solved and were caused by myself. So most of the time it is just user errors indeed.

And if you have a problem with a 3rd party dll then you should contact the developer of that dll to debug that dll because AB has evolved enormously with quite a lot of changes recently.
發表於 12-12-31 09:08 | 顯示全部樓層
joshsmi 發表於 12-12-30 23:59
sdnian, but what is the problem (bug?) your were facing?
For example you said there is a problem wi ...

Okay, could you answer the simple questions..

1. Why AB x64 don't support DDE ?
2. Why IB plugin of AB only could backfill 180 days data? Why can't backfill 1 year?
發表於 12-12-31 10:58 | 顯示全部樓層
請說中文 !!  請說中文 !!
發表於 12-12-31 19:01 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 joshsmi 於 12-12-31 19:06 編輯
sdnian 發表於 12-12-31 09:08
Okay, could you answer the simple questions..

1. Why AB x64 don't support DDE ?

Sdnian, first of all I'm not Amibroker! So I can't comment about their development status.

But I have already told you that if you want new things or improvements to become implemented in upcoming versions then you have to use their feedback center. If people don't use the AmiBroker feedback center then things don't get recognized. Feedback center is the only place for making requests for implementations and improvements.

So go to the feedback center and make a request there.

In regards to why IB plugin currently loads "only" 180 days... the reason may be that when the plugin was developed back then there was a restriction of 180 days instead of 1 year set by IB. And as it seems no one has complained in the feedback center yet. So again if you want improvements (like DDE in 64-bit version also) or new implementations then use their feedback center. No other place is recognized.

But you also need to understand that some requests have higher priority because more people want to have some other features getting implemented first.
發表於 12-12-31 19:05 | 顯示全部樓層
dido 發表於 12-12-31 10:58
請說中文 !!  請說中文 !!

Sorry, I can't speak or write Chinese (yet) and English is worldwide business language. I would like to speak Chinese but haven't had the time to learn it yet. Again sorry.
發表於 12-12-31 19:21 | 顯示全部樓層
@Sdnian, take look here w

That plugin being part of .NET SDK provides 1 year of backfill.
發表於 12-12-31 20:35 | 顯示全部樓層
joshsmi 發表於 12-12-31 19:01
Sdnian, first of all I'm not Amibroker! So I can't comment about their development status.

But I  ...

In fact, I don't use AB now. So I don't care the answers of that two qeustions. Let me clarify again.. I think AB is a good software. But it's not perfect for me.

發表於 12-12-31 20:39 | 顯示全部樓層
joshsmi 發表於 12-12-31 19:21
@Sdnian, take look here w

That plugin being part of .NET SDK provides 1 year  ...

Actually, I've consider to use dotnetforab several months ago. But I pefer to use MultiCharts .NET now.
發表於 12-12-31 21:01 | 顯示全部樓層
sdnian 發表於 12-12-31 20:35
In fact, I don't use AB now. So I don't care the answers of that two qeustions. Let me clarify aga ...

You ask questions but don't care for answers? Thanks for wasting my time!
Anyway good luck with that otherwise POS software MC.
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